Good Afternoon.

I've inherited responsibility for a Bacula instance that seems to be running 
Version: 3.0.2 of the Director.

This system outputs 5 emails every day with a subject line of:  "Backup Fail: 
<system-name> recorded history"
...and a body of: "No job has completed for <hostname> since recorded history"

These are all deprecated hosts, but apparently the previous team missed a step 
and some schedule or inventory is still listing them.  I am not able to 
determine from reading documentation and poking around the system what that 
schedule or inventory is.

Can anybody point me to a doc my Google Fu hasn't turned up, and/or suggest 
some places to look?

Thanks in advance.

Adam Palmer | Web Services Administrator
Impulse Advanced Communications |
Direct 805-884-6397 |

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