
Copy job is a bit special in a way that it starts and performs the copy
of selected jobs, depending on the "Selection Type" directive.

The problem is that when a job is copied, messages of the Copy
job and the messages related to the job that is being copied are
not combined which results in sending two messages per Copy job.

That might even sound ok but it would be much better if one could
somehow differentiate the real Full backup job and the copied job
message and status.
On the other hand, I don't see why those messages wouldn't be combined
like all the others (except it might be more complicated to achieve).

Regardless of the level of the copied job, when copied, it will be
shown in the status as a job with level Full and the same goes for the
related report messages.

Because of that, e-mail subject field of the real full Backup job and
the copied job will always look the same which makes it impossible to
properly filter those messages by subject.

I naively tried to use a separate Messages resource with the Copy
job but that didn't help and the results were the same, probably
because the reports for the copied jobs were handled by bacula-sd
and it simply sent its messages to its default Messages handler on
the bacula-dir.

Does anyone know if it's possible to deal with this problem without
the modifications of the Bacula source?

Josip Deanovic

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