Hi Martin,

I just tested the umount/eject/run/mount procedure without a restart in between 
- and the same happens:

*umount LTO-5HH
Automatically selected Catalog: Fritzie18-Cat
Using Catalog "Fritzie18-Cat"
3002 Device ""LTO-5" (/dev/nst0)" unmounted.
A job name must be specified.
The defined Job resources are:
     1: Bacula Catalog
     2: Bacula Catalog Restore
     3: Gruppen-LW ohne Chris LTO-5
     4: ...
Select Job resource (1-10): 1
Run Backup job
JobName:  Bacula Catalog
Level:    Full
Client:   fritzie15-fd
FileSet:  Catalog
Pool:     LTO-5HH-Pool (From Job resource)
Storage:  LTO-5HH (From Job resource)
When:     2020-05-08 09:18:01
Priority: 11
OK to run? (yes/mod/no): yes
Job queued. JobId=12628

*mount LTO-5HH
3001 Mounted Volume: LTO-5-Tape0017
3001 Device ""LTO-5" (/dev/nst0)" is mounted with Volume "LTO-5-Tape0017"

08-Mai 09:18 fritzie15-dir JobId 12628: shell command: run BeforeJob 
"/etc/bacula/make_catalog_backup bacula bacula SockenC7"
08-Mai 09:18 fritzie15-dir JobId 12628: Start Backup JobId 12628, 
08-Mai 09:19 fritzie15-dir JobId 12628: Using Device "LTO-5" to write.
08-Mai 09:19 fritzie15-sd JobId 12628: Volume "LTO-5-Tape0017" previously 
written, moving to end of data.
08-Mai 09:19 fritzie15-sd JobId 12628: Error: Unable to position to end of data 
on Tape device "LTO-5" (/dev/nst0): ERR=tape_dev.c:363 ioctl MTIOCGET error on 
"LTO-5" (/dev/nst0). ERR=Erfolg.

08-Mai 09:19 fritzie15-sd JobId 12628: Marking Volume "LTO-5-Tape0017" in Error 
in Catalog

So it seems not to be connected to a reset of the device.

Thank you very much for your kind assistance,


Betreff: Re: [Bacula-users] Tape Moving Error after server restart
Datum: 2020-05-08T07:05:36+0200
Von: "Christian Lehmann" <lcompu...@t-online.de>
An: "Martin Simmons" <mar...@lispworks.com>

Dear Martin,

I am sorry for answering so late, but due to the COVID-19/Sars-CoV2 situation I 
had a lot of other issues to solve.

During the restart no backup was running - just the tape was positioned in the 
middle of the tape.

I will test the unmounr/eject/mount procedure without a reboot today and report 
the results.



Betreff: Re: [Bacula-users] Tape Moving Error after server restart
Datum: 2020-03-20T16:19:57+0100
Von: "Martin Simmons" <mar...@lispworks.com>
An: "Christian Lehmann" <lcompu...@t-online.de>

Did the restart happen in the middle of a backup?

Does the backup error occur after you unmount the tape from bconole, eject it
and then insert and mount it again, without rebooting?


>>>>> On Wed, 18 Mar 2020 13:52:09 +0100 (CET), Christian Lehmann said:
> Dear all,
> from time to time I get an error after I restart the server running my 
> bacula director and also a storage daemon with an Tandberg LTO-5 HH.
> The current bacula version is 9.6.3 (9th March 2020) on a Debian machine.
> The situation is:
> Bacula has made some backups to a tape in the drive, but the tape isn't 
> full yet.
> Than a restart of the machine is happing (for example due to a Kernel 
> update). So bacula is shutting down and the tape is rewinded.
> After restart, as soon as I initiate a backup job, bacula tries the 
> positioning to the end of the tape to write the data (in this case I just 
> run a small backup job of my bacula database).
> However, he fails to do so, with the error "ERFOLG" (which is German and 
> means SUCCESS). So I do not understand what is happening there. Has someone 
> come accross such a behaviour?
> 18-Mär 13:19 fritzie15-dir JobId 12352: shell command: run BeforeJob 
> "/etc/bacula/make_catalog_backup bacula bacula VERY_SAFE_PASSWORD_XXX"
> 18-Mär 13:19 fritzie15-dir JobId 12352: Start Backup JobId 12352, 
> Job=Bacula_Catalog.2020-03-18_13.19.09_03
> 18-Mär 13:19 fritzie15-dir JobId 12352: Using Device "LTO-5" to write.
> 18-Mär 13:19 fritzie15-sd JobId 12352: Volume "LTO-5-Tape0027" previously 
> written, moving to end of data.
> 18-Mär 13:20 fritzie15-sd JobId 12352: Error: Unable to position to end of 
> data on Tape device "LTO-5" (/dev/nst0): ERR=tape_dev.c:363 ioctl MTIOCGET 
> error on "LTO-5" (/dev/nst0). ERR=Erfolg.
> 18-Mär 13:20 fritzie15-sd JobId 12352: Marking Volume "LTO-5-Tape0027" in 
> Error in Catalog.
> Now, I am a bit afraid, because I do not know, if a restore of the backuped 
> data would work.
> Thank you all in advance!
> Best,
> Christian

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