On 13/03/2020 14:51, Steven Hammond wrote:
> Does anyone have recommendations for MAXIMUM BLOCK SIZE for a LTO-7
> tape drive (HP).  We are currently using 2M on the LTO-5 with success
> (and it seemed to improve the speed).  I didn't know if there was a
> better setting for the LTO-7 (e.g., 4M) that should be used.  Any
> suggestions?

2M is the largest that can be used (bacula won't support larger values)

For better speeds, make sure you also tweak the following

Maximum File Size = 15G
Maximum Network Buffer Size = 262144
Maximum block size = 2M
Maximum Spool Size     = 630G
Maximum Job Spool Size = 30G

(these are the values used here, with a PCIe Optane P4800 800Gb SSD as
bacula spool - this handles sustained simultaneous R/W in excess of
1200MB/s which you'll need if you're doing multiple simultaneous jobs

- a _high end_ SATA SSD can _just_ cope with the spool load but you'll
saturate the bus and possibly the SATA controller - most onboard
chipsets are essentially only a single channel controller with a port
multiplexer attached. In any case due to the volume of backups, if
you're running a couple of TB/day you risk killing most NAND SSDs fairly

> Steven Hammond
> Technical Chemical Company
> Cleburne, TX
> On 3/10/2020 12:38 PM, Gary R. Schmidt wrote:
>> On 11/03/2020 02:26, Steven Hammond wrote:
>>> We are currently using a LTO-5 drive.  We are upgrading to a LTO-7
>>> drive.  I noticed the directive in our pools STORAGE=LTO-5. I'd like
>>> the existing pools to use LTO-7 (since it can still read LTO-5
>>> tapes).  Can I just change the directive in the pool to use our new
>>> LTO-7 tape drive OR will this mess up the existing LTO-5 tapes in
>>> the pool.  I was wanting to use the existing pools, but I could
>>> create new ones if necessary.  Thanks.
>> It's just a tag, it has no meaning, you could use "Bilbo-Baggins" and
>> as long as you are consistent it doesn't matter what the contents of
>> the "Storage" directive is.
>>     Cheers,
>>         Gary    B-)
>> P.S.  It's considered impolite to change the Subject of an existing
>> thread on a mailing list to start a new discussion, it buggers up
>> MUAs that use the "Reference:" header to group things.
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