Ok, so I have adjusted by job block to this:

Job {
   Name = Migrate-000007
   Type = Migrate
   Client = bock
   Messages = Daemon
   FileSet = GCC_archive-Genomic_Coverage-fileset
   Level = Full
   Pool = lto6-pool
   Max Run Time = 8035200
   Spool Attributes = yes
   Selection Type = "Volume"
   Selection Pattern = "000007*"

##JN backup Bacula DB when job is done.
RunScript {
         RunsWhen = After
         FailJobOnError = No
         Command = "/usr/local/sbin/backup-bacula-db.sh"

This 'should' only match volumes with a label 000007*, NOT all volumes 
in the pool, correct?

*run job=Migrate-000007
Using Catalog "GACCatalog"
Run Migration job
JobName:       Migrate-000007
Bootstrap:     *None*
Client:        bock
FileSet:       GCC_archive-Genomic_Coverage-fileset
Pool:          lto6-pool (From Job resource)
Read Storage:  Scalar-i40 (From Pool resource)
Write Storage: Scalar-i40 (From Storage from Pool's NextPool resource)
JobId:         *None*
When:          2019-12-23 13:06:03
Catalog:       GACCatalog
Priority:      10
OK to run? (yes/mod/no):

Also, by rollback, I assume you mean use the `update volume` command to 
reassign back into the old pool?
I'm not trying to restore old versions of files to a server....


John H. Nyhuis
Desk: (206)-685-8334
Box 359461, 15th floor, 106

On 12/23/2019 12:07 PM, Heitor Faria wrote:
> Hello John,
>> In writing this job definition, there are several problems:
>> 1. There is not a single fileset involved, but apparently a single
>> fileset must be specified...  (Or can I specify volume 000007L6 as the
>> fileset in some way)?
> The FileSet specification is obligatory for most Bacula Jobs, but the value 
> irrelevant for the Copy and Migrate Jobs.
>> 2. I'm trying to copy files off of bad media, not migrate to a new Pool.
>>   The new volume should be in the same storage pool as the old.
> I think copying/migrating to another pool is still a requirement.
> Just create a dummy pool and rollback the new tape to the original pool after 
> copy is done.
>> John H. Nyhuis
>> Desk: (206)-685-8334
>> jnyh...@uw.edu
>> Box 359461, 15th floor, 106
> Regards,

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