Hello Алексей,

The SELinux support in Baculum is one from features that has been
prepared for next release.

I propose you wait a bit till the new release.

Best regards,
Marcin Haba (gani)

On Mon, 26 Aug 2019 at 14:39, Алексей Иванов <old.good.m...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Greetings,
> I'm struggling to install baculum 9.4.4. After the installation I get 
> exceptions while accessing web url
> Description
> TFileLogRoute.LogPath 'Application.Web.Logs' must be a directory in namespace 
> format and must be writable by the Web server process.
> Source File
> /usr/share/baculum/htdocs/framework/pradosoft/prado/framework/Util/TFileLogRoute.php
>  (72)
> If I execute setenforce 0, everything is working fine, but I would like to 
> keep selinux running. Can anyone please point me to the manual where SElinux 
> policies are explained for baculum?
> С уважением,
> Иванов Алексей.
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