
Actually, no.  I have three separate SDs, with their own Device entry in
the bacula-dir.conf, running on separate hosts, etc.  Of those, two are
the ones in question, and other than the name, they're identical.  I
only included one example, but there are two like that, other than the name.

You're right, though.  I should've made that more clear.  I apologize
for that.

On top of that, I did have multiple devices per SD, but that's a
separate issue.


On 6/2/19 6:31 AM, Kern Sibbald wrote:
> Hello Lloyd,
> I suspect that you might be mixing up two concepts.  One is storage
> daemons: to have more than one you must have two different (with
> different names or directories) bacula-sd.conf files.  If you have
> only one, then you are dealing with a concept of Storage Devices
> rather than Storage Daemons.  One storage daemon can have multiple
> storage devices. 
> Best regards,
> Kern
> On 5/31/19 7:38 PM, Lloyd Brown wrote:
>> On 5/31/19 10:46 AM, Martin Simmons wrote:
>>> The "waiting on max Storage jobs" is caused by the Maximum Concurrent Jobs 
>>> in
>>> the Storage section of bacula-dir.conf.
>>> It would be useful to see the output of "show storage" while jobs are 
>>> waiting.
>>> __Martin
>> Martin,
>> I'm not entirely certain that this is a good test case, but I tried to
>> re-create the symptoms, and captured the output of both "status dir" and
>> "status storage", along with some config extracts, all of which are
>> attached here.  I was only able to get one job ("fslhome_c9") to be in
>> the "waiting on max Storage jobs" state, and it resolved a few minutes
>> later.  Thus why I'm not sure it is the best test case.  But it did have
>> that same error, and there were only 9-10 jobs running on that FD and SD
>> at the time, AFAICT.
>> Note that the large number of devices on the SD, was a misguided idea
>> from several years ago, that didn't quite do what I wanted.  But it also
>> didn't seem to break anything, so I haven't gotten around to cleaning it
>> up.  We were all young and naive once, right? ;-)
>> If this doesn't provide the insight you were looking for, I will try to
>> re-create it again, and capture the same info for you.
>> Lloyd
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Lloyd Brown
HPC Systems Administrator
Office of Research Computing
Brigham Young University

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