Hi Kern,

Thank you for your response.

On Thursday 02 May 2019 14:23:54 Kern Sibbald wrote:
> Hello,
> Sorry you are having problems.  I note the following things:
> 1. You are running on a *very* old Bacula version.

I am aware of this, but it is the latest version that installs from the Centos 
repositories, and more importantly is only a few revisions higher than was on 
the old (dead) box ensuring that the database format etc would be compatible.

> 2. I am not sure that version of Bacula supports Windows 7, where you
> are getting failures.

This version has successfully worked on Win-Xp, Win7, Win8 and Win10.  I have 
approc 150 workstations all with one of these versions. I also have various 
ages of Linux server which all also work

> 3. As for the errors, it looks like the SD does not have permission to
> open /var/bacula/crownest

When this was first set up I had forgotten to set the owner:group on the 
directory. I did fix this, and the files that are now in that directory have 
the correct owner:group, and were written by the SD (see OP). 

I am aware that this is what the errors are saying, but that does not explain 
how the files are still being created.

> 4. Is /var/bacula/crownnest a network mount (this could explain the
> failures).

This is a file  storage device configured in the SD on the same box as the 
Director.  The directory itself is local to that box

> 5. It looks like it is taking a bit over 2 hours for the SD to mount the
> volume for the backup, and
>     this is approximately the network inactivity timeout period.  So
> possibly the FD<->SD connection
>     is timing out

The client device and the storage device are on different sites, with a 30GB 
connection, doing a 18GB full backup. This would explain the 2 hour run time.

> 6. Try adding HeartBeatInterval = 300 to the Dir, FD, and SD.  I think
> there are 5 places where it must
>     be done (note this is the default in more recent Baculas).

I will investigate where this needs to go and will apply it.

> Recommendations:
> 1. Make sure the SD either has full permissions on all disk files or
> runs as root.

The SD runs as bacula:tape which is the default configuration from the RPM's 
and matches the old box.

As you can see from the directory structure, this should be correct.
[root@lou bacula]# ls -ld / /var/ /var/bacula/ /var/bacula/crownest/ 
/var/bacula/crownest/* /var/bacula/hales/ /var/bacula/hales/*
dr-xr-xr-x. 18 root   root          281 Apr  5 11:13 /
drwxr-xr-x. 27 root   root         4096 Mar  8 13:59 /var/
drwxr-xr-x. 14 bacula bacula       8192 Apr 30 11:28 /var/bacula/
drwxr-xr-x.  2 bacula bacula       4096 May  2 15:43 /var/bacula/crownest/
-rw-r-----.  1 bacula tape   5368688828 Apr 30 17:20 
-rw-r-----.  1 bacula tape   5368688851 Apr 30 17:21 
-rw-r-----.  1 bacula tape   5368688789 Apr 30 17:21 
-rw-r-----.  1 bacula tape   1745617753 May  2 15:43 
drwxr-xr-x.  3 bacula bacula      12288 May  1 23:41 /var/bacula/hales/
-rw-r-----.  1 bacula bacula 5368705600 Apr  6 03:29 
-rw-r-----.  1 bacula bacula 5368688843 Apr  6 03:29 
-rw-r-----.  1 bacula bacula 5368670610 Apr  6 03:51 

(Hales is the storage device that was used previously)

> 2. Make sure any network mounts (NFS, CIFS) are mounted prior to running
> a job

I do not use network mounts

> 3. Add the Heart Beat Interval = 300 in all the required resources --
> this may be documented  in one of the white papers, but is surely documented 
> in the manual,
> look in the index ...

I have added this line to the Director, client and storage resources. I cannot 
see where else it wuold be needed.

> 4. When you get it running think seriously about upgrading.  Though
> RedHat releases an older version
>    of Bacula the builders do create packages for newer version -- or
> look on www.bacula.org for binaries.

I am aware that I am running an old version. Is there a documented upgrade 
path?  I believe the Centos 8 is imminent, and would prefer to stick to 
standard RPM's where possible

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