Dear Chandler,

thank you for your email.

Job log of JobID 244:

19-Feb 15:04 backup2-dir JobId 244: Start Restore Job
19-Feb 15:04 backup2-dir JobId 244: Using Device "LTO-6" to read.
19-Feb 15:05 backup2-sd JobId 244: Ready to read from volume "RCWORMW-0004"
on Tape device "LTO-6" (/dev/IBMtape0n).
19-Feb 15:05 backup2-sd JobId 244: Forward spacing Volume "RCWORMW-0004" to
19-Feb 15:06 backup2-sd JobId 244: Elapsed time=00:00:32, Transfer rate=0
19-Feb 15:06 backup2-dir JobId 244: Bacula backup2-dir 9.4.1 (20Dec18):
  Build OS:               x86_64-pc-linux-gnu ubuntu 18.04
  JobId:                  244
  Job:                    RestoreFiles.2019-02-19_15.03.58_47
  Restore Client:         backup2-fd
  Where:                  /var/lib/bacula/bacula-restores
  Replace:                Always
  Start time:             19-Feb-2019 15:04:00
  End time:               19-Feb-2019 15:06:18
  Elapsed time:           2 mins 18 secs
  Files Expected:         9
  Files Restored:         0
  Bytes Restored:         0 (0 B)
  Rate:                   0.0 KB/s
  FD Errors:              0
  FD termination status:  OK
  SD termination status:  OK
  Termination:            Restore OK -- warning file count mismatch

19-Feb 15:06 backup2-dir JobId 244: Begin pruning Jobs older than 12 months
19-Feb 15:06 backup2-dir JobId 244: No Jobs found to prune.
19-Feb 15:06 backup2-dir JobId 244: Begin pruning Files.
19-Feb 15:06 backup2-dir JobId 244: No Files found to prune.
19-Feb 15:06 backup2-dir JobId 244: End auto prune.

This is all.

The steps I did:

I checked which jobs did backup on the RCWORMW-0004 volume I used the query
command in bconsole (option 13 and then I typed the MediaID).
There I saw that jobID 222 was what I needed:

| jobid | name                      | starttime           | type | level |
jobfiles | jobbytes        | jobstatus |
|   222 | server1-job               | 2019-02-16 06:46:15 | C    | F     |
  4,747 | 947,734,512,306 | T         |

then I run restore in bconsole I choosed option 3 I typed 222 then I mark *
(I tried to pick only one file or even 9 files does not matter)
enter done, then choose the file daemon (the backup servers file daemon) to
restore files to. Everything was accepted but the result is very
disappointing: 0 files were restored.

Meanwhile I tried bls and I can see the jobs on the tape. Then now I try
bextract to restore files using a file list. Here is the bextract command I

 /opt/bacula/bin/bextract -v -V RCWORMW-0004 -i /root/inc-list.txt
/dev/IBMtape0n ./

inc-list.txt contains this:

(each file is about 90 GB)

so far the bextract output is:
20-Feb 11:55 bextract JobId 0: Ready to read from volume "RCWORMW-0004" on
Tape device "LTO-6" (/dev/IBMtape0n).

currently it has been running for 3 hours but there is nothing in the
destination directory. I am a bit worried that I lost  my backups...
because I cannot restore them :(.

Thanks for help,


On Wed, Feb 20, 2019 at 12:50 AM Chandler <> wrote:

> Kindly, if you could share the job log for the restore JobId 244, it may
> have some error/warning messages.  Also tell us the complete steps you
> are using when running the restore, it will help us.  Thanks
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