On Thu, 07 Feb 2019 11:32:29 +0100
Wolfgang Denk <w...@denx.de> wrote:

> Dear Adam,
> In message <20190207185030.35830...@teln.shikadi.net> you wrote:
> >

> Also, disk space is cheap - where is the problem of using a much
> bigger spool area?  I use only LTO4 tapes so far, and I have a
> 1.5 TB spool area.  Where is the problem?

Running it on spinning rust is suboptimal, so, over here in murka:
 ~2TB of SATA SSD is under $300
 1.6TB SAS SSD is ~$600
 1.9 TB MVMe is ~600
and an 11TB U.2 NVMe is over $4K. 

Which one you can use depends on what connector you can free up in your
hardware. If you only have a 2.5" NVMe slot, spool space is not cheap at

> > ...  However with Bacula, my spool file
> > must be 800GB to achieve the same result, and even this makes the
> > process take much longer because the tape is idle while the spool
> > file is filling up the first time.

Your clients can stream data over the net at your LTO-whatever's full
throughput, and you can't afford an 800 GB SSD? Interesting setup you

Dmitri Maziuk <dmaz...@bmrb.wisc.edu>

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