Most everything that you'd want to know about LTO tape for each version can be 
found here on Wikipedia.  It has a section that talks about longevity and 
number of passes.
I have 6 year old LTO-5 media that has been used by my Bacula backups with a 
quarterly rotation and multiple mounts/writes until full without any problems.  
My drives are healthy and the media is kept in normal climate controlled 
environments.  If I have any media issues, it's usually shortly after new tapes 
have been introduced and there's something wrong with them from the outset.  I 
will be migrating to newer LTO technology before these tapes approach their 
end-of-life.  The only issue will be to bring any required archives stored on 
the media forward.  Bacula does maintain metrics on each volume should you want 
to monitor their usage.


On 9/21/18, 11:46 AM, "George Anchev via Bacula-users" 
<> wrote:

    Thanks Patti! I guess my info was stale.
    What about age and write cycles? I believe those still
    apply to LTO.
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