On Fri, 24 Aug 2018 12:36:03 +0200 Matthias Leopold


> (c) is simply a matter of updating Client or Pool
> resources.

+ running `reload` in bconsole (or restarting
the director).

> .) I have the simple situation where a full backup
> for a job exists and since then only incremental
> backups where made, there are no further full
> backups scheduled. What happens when Job/File/Volume
> retention times (all the same in this case) start to
> expire ("prune expired volume yes" + "purge volume
> action=truncate allpools storage=foo" are executed)?

My understanding is that they get removed from the
catalog but the actual data remains on storage.

> Will new incremental backups fail as soon as the
> initial full backup expires? Will the next
> incremental backup be upgraded to full?

I think they will be upgraded to full in which case a
new full backup will be written to the storage
(without overwriting the previous "expired" ones).

> Will the existing incremental backups be accessible
> in any way when there is no full backup any more?

AFAIK Bacula won't delete your "expired" backups
unless you explicitly and deliberately overwrite your
storage volume. So you should be able to recreate the
DB records for them if you run bscan.

But I may be wrong so to be 100% sure check the


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