On 08/02/18 10:39, Tilman Schmidt wrote:
> Just a quick note to help narrowing this down:
> * I'm experiencing this "Field 'StartTime' doesn't have a default value" 
> error on an openSUSE installation ever since it was upgraded to Leap 42.3 and 
> Bacula 9.
> * The machine in question runs MySQL, not MariaDB, even though openSUSE has 
> deprecated MySQL.
> * Getting MySQL to run caused a lot of pain, mostly related to systemd.
> * Your on your own with that. openSUSE answers all requests on that topic 
> with: "We don't support MySQL - use MariaDB."
> * Luckily on that machine the "no default value" error only strikes when I 
> try to label a new volume.
> * The few times this has occurred I fixed it by performing the failed 
> database INSERT manually and adding explicit values for all the DATETIME 
> fields.
> All from memory. I'll gladly post details next time I get to the affected 
> machine.
> Tilman

What MySQL version are you running?  I'm going to assume it is properly
tuned in the first place.  If you are running MySQL 5.7 or later, you
may need to do two things:

1.  Change the SQL_MODE configuration variable to remove the term

2.  Modify the schemas to either add a valid DEFAULT for all columns
declared NOT NULL without a DEFAULT (except for BLOB, TEXT, and ENUM
types, for which DEFAULT is not applicable), or remove the NOT NULL.

The correct SQL99-compliant default DATETIME is the start of the Unix
epoch, '1970-01-01 00:00:00'.  However, there are one or two places in
Bacula's code that depend upon the default DATETIME being '0000-00-00
00:00:00', which is not valid under SQL99 (because there is no year 0,
month 0, or day 0 in the calendar), which is why you need to remove

  Phil Stracchino
  Babylon Communications
  Landline: +1.603.293.8485
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