> Hello
Hello Ken,
> I installed Bacula 9.0.8 on CentOS 7.
> I can not install it because the public key is not installed.
> The following procedures described in the white paper are carried out.
> -----
> cd / tmp
> wget https://www.bacula.org/downloads/Bacula-4096-Distribution-
> Verification-key.asc
> rpm --import add Bacula - 4096 - Distribution - Verification - key.asc
> rm Bacula-4096-Distribution-Verification-key.asc
> -----
> Is there anyone who successfully installed Bacula 9.0.8 on CentOS 7?
Yes. I installed successfully, but indeed this key does not seems to work.
You can set gpgcheck=0 in the APT sources file in order to bypass this
Heitor Medrado de Faria | CEO Bacula América Latina, Brasil & USA | Visto EB-1
| LPIC-III | EMC 05-001 | ITIL-F
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