Hello Bill, Hello Lloyd,

may I present a VFull-Backup-Configuration in testenvironment which runs only on Sundays while ervery other day (mon-sat) a incremental is running. This is a Test-Configuration with the idea that if a VFull doesn't succed it should be possible to repeat it within a week. So there should be one VFull and about 3 months Incrementals (Backups To Keep = 95).

My questions concerning VFull: For total storage requirement always double quantity of a Full (Full + VFull the first time, VFull + VFull the following times) plus backup quantity for 95 incrementals is needed?

And is a "Volume Retention time" or "Job Retention time" still necessary when it says "Delete Consolidated Jobs = Yes"?


2 Schedules:

Schedule {
  Name = "WeeklyCycle"
  Run = Incremental Accurate=yes mon-sat at 22:23

Schedule {
  Name = "WeeklyVFullCycle"
  Run = VirtualFull Accurate=yes 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th sun at 03:23

A Job for the VFull:

Job {
        Name = "VFullHomeAndEtc"
        Type = Backup
        Level = VirtualFull
        Client = "ClientCent50-fd"
        FileSet="Home and Etc"
        Accurate = Yes
        Backups To Keep = 95
        Messages = Standard
        Pool = VFull-Pool4Cent50-01
        Next Pool = VFull-Pool4Cent50-02
        Schedule = "WeeklyVFullCycle"
        Delete Consolidated Jobs = Yes

And a Job for the Incremental (and First Normal-Full) Backup:

Job {
        Name = "BackupClientCent50"
        JobDefs = "DefaultJob"
        Client = ClientCent50-fd
        Full Backup Pool = Full-Pool4Cent50
        Incremental Backup Pool = Inc-Pool4Cent50
        FileSet="Home and Etc"
        Accurate = Yes
        Backups To Keep = 95
        Delete Consolidated Jobs = Yes

2 Extra-Pools for VFull-Backup (The Incrementals have their own Pool):

Pool {
  Name = VFull-Pool4Cent50-01
  Pool Type = Backup
  Recycle = yes           # automatically recycle Volumes
  AutoPrune = yes         # Prune expired volumes
  Action On Purge = Truncate
  Volume Retention = 100 days
  Maximum Volume Bytes = 1G          # Test Volume size
  Label Format = VFullcent50_01-
  Maximum Volumes = 20
  Next Pool = VFull-Pool4Cent50-02
  Storage = File1

Pool {
  Name = VFull-Pool4Cent50-02
  Pool Type = Backup
  Recycle = yes           # automatically recycle Volumes
  AutoPrune = yes         # Prune expired volumes
  Action On Purge = Truncate
  Volume Retention = 100 days
  Maximum Volume Bytes = 1G          # Test Volume size
  Label Format = VFullcent50_02-
  Maximum Volumes = 20
  Next Pool = VFull-Pool4Cent50-01
  Storage = File2

And then I have 3 scripts which are running after/before catalog-backup:

# Backup the catalog database (after the nightly save)
Job {
  Name = "BackupCatalog"
...snip (catalog-backup)...

  RunScript {
   Console = "prune expired volume yes"
  RunScript {
   Console = "purge volume action=truncate allpools storage=File1"
  RunScript {
   Console = "purge volume action=truncate allpools storage=File2"

With Kind Regards

Am 23.05.2018 um 17:09 schrieb Lloyd Brown:
I can't speak for Alfred, but I would love to see example configs of how to set up a progressive virtual-full, the underlying jobs, pools, etc. I'm sure I could muddle my way through it using the documentation, but I find working from examples to be a good bit easier.  Also more likely to not only work, but work well.

Then again, I've never even gotten traditional virtual-full working. It's been on my todo list for several years now.  Go figure.

Lloyd Brown
Systems Administrator
Fulton Supercomputing Lab
Brigham Young University

On 05/22/2018 11:08 AM, Bill Arlofski wrote:
Does anyone have experience with Progressive VFull-Backups?
Yes, I do.   Do you have more questions?

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