On Thu, Apr 5, 2018 at 10:35 AM, Dimitri Maziuk <dmaz...@bmrb.wisc.edu>
> FWIW I'm deploying more, or at least as many, new centos 6 installs, than
> centos 7 ones. I've come to the conclusion that between systemd with its
> service files and mount units and stuff, breaking kernel ABI on every point
> release, and lack of support for non-RedHat software (like bacula), el7 is
> not really a viable platform for mission-critical servers. It's merely
> tolerable for *some* deployments.
> </rant>
I love systemd....not :-)
Unfortunately, it's something we'll have to get used to. Fwiw, systemd on
*early* releases of redhat/centos 7 was unstable (do I hear a resounding
"yes"? :-) At a minimum, you want to be on 7.4.
So back to the service file dilemma I whined about a few minutes ago....
Where I was getting hung up was trying to get any of the bacula service
files to pick up the variables they need. My read of the
systemd documentation is -- it's supposed to work....but three days of
banging my head was quite enough. I simply filled out all the "@foo@" spots
(which I had changed into ${foo}, just so you'll know...) with the correct
values. Here's my bacula-dir.service file:
Description=Bacula Director Daemon service
RequiresMountsFor=/usr/libexec/bacula/bin/working /usr/libexec/bacula/bin
/usr/libexec/bacula/bin /usr/libexec/bacula/bin/working
ExecStart=/usr/libexec/bacula/bin/bacula-dir -c
ExecReload=/usr/libexec/bacula/bin/bacula-dir -t -c
ExecReload=/bin/kill -HUP $MAINPID
My -fd and -sd files are similar, of course.
All three services started without issue once I hard-coded everything. (I
don't like it...but it works....)
Now to remember what I did to get baculum running.... - d
Donna Hofmeister
Allegro Consultants, Inc.
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