Tried to run tray-monitor with my newly installed bacula 9.0.6, but it ran into 
an error
with the following textbox:

Error parse_conf.c:1104 Keyword "Password" not permitted in this resource.
Perhaps you left the trailing brace off of the previous resource.

Debug -d 100) produced the following output:

[erik@Erik-PC bacula]$ bacula-tray-monitor -c tray-monitor.conf -d100
"sni-qt/9588" WARN  19:32:06.939 void StatusNotifierItemFactory::connectToSnw() 
Invalid interface to SNW_SERVICE 
tray-monitor: tray-monitor.cpp:282-0 configfile=tray-monitor.conf
tray-monitor: tray-monitor.cpp:135-0 reload the configuration!

And at last a dialogue poped up apparently with the purpose to run a 
configuration of the tray-monitor. AFAIKT this dialogue is not described in the 
bacula manuals.

The config file is the same as used on version 7.4.7 which did not cause any 

Can someone perhaps explain what's wrong?

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