On Sunday 2018-03-18 12:29:42 Erik P. Olsen wrote:
> My installation is the following:
> Fedora 27 fully upgraded
> mariadb-10.2.13-2.fc27.x86_64
> bacula-director-9.0.6-2.fc27.x86_64
> I've just upgraded Fedora from 26 to 27 which also did an upgrade of
> bacula from 7.4.7 to 9.0.6 and therefore I ran update_bacula_tables
> with success, so everything should be OK.
> However, when I attempted a backup I got "ERR=Field 'StartTime' doesn't
> have a default value". I have been warned that such error might occur
> and did the following afterwards to try to correct the database:
> 1. Stopped bacula
> 2. dropped the database
> 3. created the database
> 4. imported the catalogue from the last backup
> 5. updated the tables
> 6. started bacula
> Did again a backup but the error was still there. I think it should be
> possible to add a default value to the 'StartTime' field but since I no
> nothing about sql programming I am unable to fix it. I hope someone on
> the list would tell me which commands would do the trick.

Check what is the default sql mode in your mysql database.
I guess that it might look something like:
sql_mode = 

You could set it to what it used to be in the older versions.

Try that if that database is dedicated for bacula.

Josip Deanovic

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