Hi John,

that's a bit trickier, and I don't have code for that, but I've seen it
After doing the database bit, you can do something like this:

foreach (volume-file); do
    if (file not listed in database); then

I wouldn't call it elegant, but it works.

Kind regards,

On 17.01.2018 14:10, John Naggets wrote:
> Thanks Rolf for the details and SQL query you use for that purpose. I
> am currently testing this out. By the way there is no "-y" option on
> my Bacula version (7.4.4) so I used use "-v" for verbose instead. I
> suppose this takes quite some time as I have quite a few clients and
> it''s still running.
> Now I still have one issue: what about the physical files (volumes) on
> the partition of my backup server? How can know which one to safely
> delete for a specific client? My problem is that all my volume files
> are called/labelled with "backupservername-<ID>". So from the file
> name I can't know to which client it belongs.
> Regards,
> J.
> On Wed, Jan 17, 2018 at 10:51 AM, Rolf Halmen
> <rolf.hal...@neubert-consulting.de> wrote:
>> Hi John,
>> turns out we're cheating.
>> mysql -u bacula -p${BACULAMYSQLPW} -e "DELETE FROM Client WHERE
>> Name='${FDHOSTNAME}';" bacula
>> dbcheck -b -f -y -c /etc/bacula/bacula-dir.conf
>> So we're just deleting the client, and then let bacula get the database
>> back into a consistent state.
>> Depending on your load and requirements that might not be feasible for
>> you, of course.
>> Kind regards,
>> Rolf Halmen
>> On 16.01.2018 17:47, John Naggets wrote:
>>> Hi Rolf,
>>> So if I understand correctly, there is no "standard" procedure or any
>>> documentation how to properly remove a client once it is not needed
>>> anymore (e.g. when decomissioning a server)?
>>> If not I would be interested to see your SQL query which you use for
>>> that purpose.
>>> Indeed I use the "use volume once = true" parameter so that each
>>> volume contains only one single backup from a client.
>>> Best regards,
>>> J.
>>> On Mon, Jan 15, 2018 at 4:59 PM, Rolf Halmen
>>> <rolf.hal...@neubert-consulting.de> wrote:
>>>> Hi John,
>>>> The database can correlate jobs to volume files.
>>>> I'm not at a workstation right now, but off the top of my head, I'd assume
>>>> joining the jobs, media, and clients tables should let you get to the list
>>>> of volumes that contain backup-data of the specified client.
>>>> Do keep in mind that volume files can contain data from multiple jobs,
>>>> unless "use volume once = true".
>>>> Kind regards,
>>>> Rolf
>>>> On January 15, 2018 2:10:00 PM UTC, John Naggets <hostingnugg...@gmail.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hello,
>>>>> It happens that some clients on the network get removed and as such do
>>>>> not need to be backed up anymore. Now I would like to know what is the
>>>>> procedure on the bacula director in order to remove properly and
>>>>> entirely a bacula client?
>>>>> I checked the official documentation but could not find any procedure
>>>>> for that purpose.
>>>>> From my understanding I need to delete the jobs and files associated
>>>>> with them as well as the volumes and finally the physical volumes on
>>>>> the filesystem (backups are done on files on a partition of the backup
>>>>> server).
>>>>> My problem here is that the physical volumes on the filesystem all
>>>>> have the same label except for the number so how would I know which
>>>>> file I can delete?
>>>>> Thank you in advance for your help.
>>>>> Best regards,
>>>>> John
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>>>> Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.
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>> --
>> Rolf Michael Halmen
>> Softwareentwickler
>> Neubert Consulting GmbH, IT Consulting & Services
>> Theaterstr. 33
>> D-90762 Fuerth
>> Tel:   +49 (0911) 972799 - 54
>> Fax:   +49 (0911) 972799 - 33
>> Mail   rolf.hal...@neubert-consulting.de
>> Web   www.neubert-consulting.de
>> Geschäftsführer Christoph Neubert Registergericht Fürth HRB 10620

Rolf Michael Halmen

Neubert Consulting GmbH, IT Consulting & Services

Theaterstr. 33
D-90762 Fuerth

Tel:   +49 (0911) 972799 - 54
Fax:   +49 (0911) 972799 - 33

Mail   rolf.hal...@neubert-consulting.de
Web   www.neubert-consulting.de

Geschäftsführer Christoph Neubert Registergericht Fürth HRB 10620

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