The points made by both Ralf and Gary are also important.
Use postgres or mysql instead of SQLite.
Change 'Random Access = yes' to 'Random Access = no' which is the correct param for LTO (I'm not sure if bacula will ignore the parameter, but is better to set it properly).

As another note, once you setup the final database, configure daily backups of it and test that after you restore the database you can see previous jobs and perform restores (always test the backups).
On 01/11/2018 02:20 PM, wrote:

Thank you for this. indeed, i've had this problem.
Gonna use your script!


----- Mail original -----
De: "itlinux_igtp" <>
Envoyé: Jeudi 11 Janvier 2018 09:56:34
Objet: Re: [Bacula-users] Autochanger best practicies

Hi Thibault,

  From what I recall of my bacula install, it is better to set the
Changer Device to a linked device that is updated on boot, as /dev/sg3
might be the autochanger but in a reboot could become a drive and the
autochanger move to /dev/sg2 (for example). I use the following script
run after reboot to set the autochager properly:

#! /bin/bash

# Find the autochanger device and create the /dev/changer link

for i in /dev/sg{0..4}# the range might be different for you!
    if (tapeinfo -f $i|grep "Medium Changer"); then
      logger -t rclocal "Will create changer link to $i"
      if readlink /dev/changer; then
        unlink /dev/changer
        logger -t rclocal "Removed an existing /dev/changer link"
      ln -s $i /dev/changer


On 01/11/2018 08:53 AM, wrote:
Hello Bacula Users community,

I need advices/best practicies about configuration of an Autochanger
I've read the documentation on bacula website, and it works like a charm, 
except one point

First of all,

- bacula-dir / bacula-sd / bacula-fd version 7.4.4 / SQLite -- running on a 
Debian 9 virtualized server
- Autochanger is a DELL PowerVault TL1000 with an LTO 6 drive -- Firmware up to 
- tapes have a code39 barcode
- server / autochanger is on a remote location, I don't have physical access to 


Storage {
    Name = Changer_TL1000
    Password = "hellothere"
    Address = servername
    SDPort = 9103
    Device = TL1000
    Media Type = LTO-6
    Heartbeat Interval = 60
    Autochanger = yes
    Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 20

Autochanger {
    Name = Changer_TL1000
    Device = TL1000
    Changer Command = "/etc/bacula/scripts/mtx-changer %c %o %S %a %d"
    Changer Device = /dev/sg3

Device {
    Name = TL1000
    Archive Device = /dev/nst0
    Media Type = LTO-6
    LabelMedia = yes
    Random Access = yes
    AutomaticMount = yes
    RemovableMedia = Yes
    AlwaysOpen = yes
    AutoChanger = yes
    Check Labels = yes
    Alert Command = "sh -c 'tapeinfo -f %c |grep TapeAlert|cat'"
    Spool Directory = /opt/bacula/spool
    Maximum Spool Size = 50GB
    Maximum Network Buffer Size = 65536
    Maximum job Spool Size = 15GB

The problem occurs when I want to label a tape. It does not seems to label the tape, but 
instead the "drive".
There's something I must have misunderstood in the config.

For example, the drive was loaded with tape called VGOBQ001.
I've asked my local contact to set a new tape into the drive, and label it with the 
bconsole "label" command, what he did (label : VGOBM002)
When I "list volume" on bconsole, I can see the volume VGOBM002 has been 
successfully created.

He left VGOBM002 tape in the drive. Today's backup starts, and needs VGOBQ001. 
Bacula unloads the drive, and loads the correct tape.
Here's the log

JobId 23: 3307 Issuing autochanger "unload slot 1, drive 0" command for vol 
JobId 23: 3304 Issuing autochanger "load slot 3, drive 0" command for vol 
JobId 23: 3305 Autochanger "load slot 3, drive 0", status is OK for vol 
JobId 23: Error: The Volume= on device=VGOBM002 appears to be unlabeled.  #What 
the hell ?
JobId 23: Volume "VGOBQ001" previously written, moving to end of data.
JobId 23: Ready to append to end of Volume "VGOBQ001" at file=3160.

Then the job starts with the correct VGOBQ001 tape.
The problem is the Error line, how can my volume has no label, but my device 
has one ?
Did i miss something in the config ?

Thank you for your support,


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Iñaki Martinez de Ilarduya Muñoz
Systems Administrator IGTP
Tel (+34) 93 554-3079
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Germans Trias i Pujol Research Institute (IGTP)
Ctra de Can Ruti, Camí de les Escoles s/n
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