During a test restore I received the following two error message. Can someone
assist in understand these errors beyond the obvious? One point of note, I
upgraded from 9.0.4 to 9.0.5 between backup job and restore job.
07-Nov 11:53 bacula-fd JobId 4177: Error: attribs.c:558 File size of restored
not correct. Original 13297, restored 13299.
07-Nov 11:53 bacula-fd JobId 4177: Error: attribs.c:558 File size of restored
not correct. Original 13297, restored 13299.
I have attached the backup chain, the full restore job log, and the logs of the
backups they are associated with.
Thank you in advance.
Jim Richardson
CONFIDENTIALITY: This email (including any attachments) may contain
confidential, proprietary and privileged information, and unauthorized
disclosure or use is prohibited. If you received this email in error, please
notify the sender and delete this email from your system. Thank you.
06-Nov 21:30 bacula-dir JobId 4160: Start Backup JobId 4160,
06-Nov 21:30 bacula-dir JobId 4160: Created new
Pool="Pool_Hourly2Disk", MediaType="HourlyDisk" in catalog.
06-Nov 21:30 bacula-dir JobId 4160: Using Device "HourlyDevice1" to write.
06-Nov 21:30 bacula-sd JobId 4160: Labeled new Volume
"H-4160-C2T-LargeApp-Data.2017-11-06_21.30.00_33.bak" on File device
"HourlyDevice1" (/backup/bacula/hourly).
06-Nov 21:30 bacula-sd JobId 4160: Wrote label to prelabeled Volume
"H-4160-C2T-LargeApp-Data.2017-11-06_21.30.00_33.bak" on File device
"HourlyDevice1" (/backup/bacula/hourly)
06-Nov 22:09 bacula-sd JobId 4160: Elapsed time=00:39:10, Transfer rate=67.90 M
06-Nov 22:09 bacula-sd JobId 4160: Sending spooled attrs to the Director.
Despooling 21,909,257 bytes ...
06-Nov 22:09 bacula-dir JobId 4160: Bacula bacula-dir 9.0.4 (06Sep17):
Build OS: x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu redhat (Core)
JobId: 4160
Job: C2T-LargeApp-Data.2017-11-06_21.30.00_33
Backup Level: Incremental, since=2017-11-06 18:30:25
Client: "bacula-fd" 9.0.4 (06Sep17)
FileSet: "LargeApp Data" 2017-06-25 12:35:50
Pool: "Pool_Hourly2Disk" (From Run Pool override)
Catalog: "MyCatalog" (From Client resource)
Storage: "Storage_Hourly2Disk" (From Pool resource)
Scheduled time: 06-Nov-2017 21:30:00
Start time: 06-Nov-2017 21:30:02
End time: 06-Nov-2017 22:09:22
Elapsed time: 39 mins 20 secs
Priority: 12
FD Files Written: 62,318
SD Files Written: 62,318
FD Bytes Written: 159,562,232,380 (159.5 GB)
SD Bytes Written: 159,577,113,024 (159.5 GB)
Rate: 67611.1 KB/s
Software Compression: None
Comm Line Compression: None
Snapshot/VSS: no
Encryption: no
Accurate: no
Volume name(s): H-4160-C2T-LargeApp-Data.2017-11-06_21.30.00_33.bak
Volume Session Id: 1235
Volume Session Time: 1507129810
Last Volume Bytes: 159,697,482,602 (159.6 GB)
Non-fatal FD errors: 0
SD Errors: 0
FD termination status: OK
SD termination status: OK
Termination: Backup OK
06-Nov 22:09 bacula-dir JobId 4160: Begin pruning Jobs older than 6 months .
06-Nov 22:09 bacula-dir JobId 4160: No Jobs found to prune.
06-Nov 22:09 bacula-dir JobId 4160: Begin pruning Files.
06-Nov 22:09 bacula-dir JobId 4160: No Files found to prune.
06-Nov 22:09 bacula-dir JobId 4160: End auto prune.
06-Nov 18:30 bacula-dir JobId 4147: Start Backup JobId 4147,
06-Nov 18:30 bacula-sd JobId 4147: 3307 Issuing autochanger "unload Volume
000009L7, Slot 6, Drive 0" command.
06-Nov 18:30 bacula-dir JobId 4147: Using Device "ULT3580" to write.
06-Nov 18:30 bacula-sd JobId 4147: 3304 Issuing autochanger "load Volume
000008L7, Slot 3, Drive 0" command.
06-Nov 18:30 bacula-sd JobId 4147: 3305 Autochanger "load Volume 000008L7, Slot
3, Drive 0", status is OK.
06-Nov 18:30 bacula-sd JobId 4147: Volume "000008L7" previously written, moving
to end of data.
06-Nov 18:31 bacula-sd JobId 4147: Ready to append to end of Volume "000008L7"
at file=2661.
06-Nov 19:52 bacula-sd JobId 4147: Elapsed time=01:21:12, Transfer rate=55.15 M
Bytes/second 06-Nov 19:52 bacula-sd JobId 4147: Sending spooled attrs to the
Director. Despooling 59,002,575 bytes ...
06-Nov 19:52 bacula-dir JobId 4147: Bacula bacula-dir 9.0.4 (06Sep17):
Build OS: x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu redhat (Core)
JobId: 4147
Job: C2T-LargeApp-Data.2017-11-06_18.30.00_20
Backup Level: Differential, since=2017-11-04 00:00:00
Client: "bacula-fd" 9.0.4 (06Sep17)
FileSet: "LargeApp Data" 2017-06-25 12:35:50
Pool: "LargeApp_Tapes" (From Job resource)
Catalog: "MyCatalog" (From Client resource)
Storage: "Tape" (From Job resource)
Scheduled time: 06-Nov-2017 18:30:00
Start time: 06-Nov-2017 18:30:25
End time: 06-Nov-2017 19:52:45
Elapsed time: 1 hour 22 mins 20 secs
Priority: 12
FD Files Written: 179,871
SD Files Written: 179,871
FD Bytes Written: 268,678,548,195 (268.6 GB)
SD Bytes Written: 268,717,363,479 (268.7 GB)
Rate: 54388.4 KB/s
Software Compression: None
Comm Line Compression: 80.4% 5.1:1
Snapshot/VSS: no
Encryption: no
Accurate: no
Volume name(s): 000008L7
Volume Session Id: 1222
Volume Session Time: 1507129810
Last Volume Bytes: 2,928,663,650,304 (2.928 TB)
Non-fatal FD errors: 0
SD Errors: 0
FD termination status: OK
SD termination status: OK
Termination: Backup OK
06-Nov 19:52 bacula-dir JobId 4147: Begin pruning Jobs older than 6 months .
06-Nov 19:52 bacula-dir JobId 4147: No Jobs found to prune.
06-Nov 19:52 bacula-dir JobId 4147: Begin pruning Files.
06-Nov 19:52 bacula-dir JobId 4147: No Files found to prune.
06-Nov 19:52 bacula-dir JobId 4147: End auto prune.
04-Nov 00:00 bacula-dir JobId 4045: Start Backup JobId 4045,
04-Nov 00:00 bacula-dir JobId 4045: Using Device "ULT3580" to write.
04-Nov 00:22 bacula-fd JobId 4045: Could not stat
ERR=No such file or directory
04-Nov 15:55 bacula-sd JobId 4045: Elapsed time=15:55:41, Transfer rate=63.54 M
Bytes/second 04-Nov 15:55 bacula-sd JobId 4045: Sending spooled attrs to the
Director. Despooling 539,629,777 bytes ...
04-Nov 15:57 bacula-dir JobId 4045: Bacula bacula-dir 9.0.4 (06Sep17):
Build OS: x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu redhat (Core)
JobId: 4045
Job: C2T-LargeApp-Data.2017-11-04_00.00.00_05
Backup Level: Full
Client: "bacula-fd" 9.0.4 (06Sep17)
FileSet: "LargeApp Data" 2017-06-25 12:35:50
Pool: "LargeApp_Tapes" (From Job resource)
Catalog: "MyCatalog" (From Client resource)
Storage: "Tape" (From Job resource)
Scheduled time: 04-Nov-2017 00:00:00
Start time: 04-Nov-2017 00:00:00
End time: 04-Nov-2017 15:57:14
Elapsed time: 15 hours 57 mins 14 secs
Priority: 12
FD Files Written: 1,628,192
SD Files Written: 1,628,192
FD Bytes Written: 3,643,593,044,244 (3.643 TB)
SD Bytes Written: 3,643,949,311,690 (3.643 TB)
Rate: 63439.7 KB/s
Software Compression: None
Comm Line Compression: 1.2% 1.0:1
Snapshot/VSS: no
Encryption: no
Accurate: no
Volume name(s): 000010L7
Volume Session Id: 1122
Volume Session Time: 1507129810
Last Volume Bytes: 4,555,712,222,208 (4.555 TB)
Non-fatal FD errors: 1
SD Errors: 0
FD termination status: OK
SD termination status: OK
Termination: Backup OK -- with warnings
04-Nov 15:57 bacula-dir JobId 4045: Begin pruning Jobs older than 6 months .
04-Nov 15:57 bacula-dir JobId 4045: No Jobs found to prune.
04-Nov 15:57 bacula-dir JobId 4045: Begin pruning Files.
04-Nov 15:57 bacula-dir JobId 4045: No Files found to prune.
04-Nov 15:57 bacula-dir JobId 4045: End auto prune.
07-Nov 11:44 bacula-dir JobId 4177: Start Restore Job
07-Nov 11:44 bacula-dir JobId 4177: Using Device "ULT3580" to read.
07-Nov 11:44 bacula-sd JobId 4177: 3307 Issuing autochanger "unload Volume
*Unknown*, Slot 7, Drive 0" command.
07-Nov 11:45 bacula-sd JobId 4177: 3304 Issuing autochanger "load Volume
000010L7, Slot 1, Drive 0" command.
07-Nov 11:45 bacula-sd JobId 4177: 3305 Autochanger "load Volume 000010L7, Slot
1, Drive 0", status is OK.
07-Nov 11:45 bacula-sd JobId 4177: Ready to read from volume "000010L7" on Tape
device "ULT3580" (/dev/nst0).
07-Nov 11:45 bacula-sd JobId 4177: Forward spacing Volume "000010L7" to
07-Nov 11:53 bacula-fd JobId 4177: Error: attribs.c:558 File size of restored
not correct. Original 13297, restored 13299.
07-Nov 11:53 bacula-fd JobId 4177: Error: attribs.c:558 File size of restored
not correct. Original 5873, restored 5874.
07-Nov 11:53 bacula-fd JobId 4177: Error: attribs.c:558 File size of restored
not correct. Original 17533, restored 17579.
07-Nov 11:53 bacula-fd JobId 4177: Error: attribs.c:558 File size of restored
not correct. Original 13220, restored 13222.
07-Nov 18:51 bacula-fd JobId 4177: Error: attribs.c:558 File size of restored
not correct. Original 6393949, restored 6608988.
07-Nov 18:51 bacula-fd JobId 4177: Error: attribs.c:558 File size of restored
not correct. Original 2127867, restored 2139959.
07-Nov 18:51 bacula-fd JobId 4177: Error: attribs.c:558 File size of restored
not correct. Original 17948588, restored 18173152.
07-Nov 18:51 bacula-fd JobId 4177: Error: attribs.c:558 File size of restored
not correct. Original 22486654, restored 22698419.
07-Nov 19:02 bacula-sd JobId 4177: End of Volume "000010L7" at addr=4558:0 on
device "ULT3580" (/dev/nst0).
07-Nov 19:02 bacula-sd JobId 4177: 3307 Issuing autochanger "unload Volume
000010L7, Slot 1, Drive 0" command.
07-Nov 19:03 bacula-sd JobId 4177: 3304 Issuing autochanger "load Volume
000008L7, Slot 3, Drive 0" command.
07-Nov 19:04 bacula-sd JobId 4177: 3305 Autochanger "load Volume 000008L7, Slot
3, Drive 0", status is OK.
07-Nov 19:04 bacula-sd JobId 4177: Ready to read from volume "000008L7" on Tape
device "ULT3580" (/dev/nst0).
07-Nov 19:04 bacula-sd JobId 4177: Forward spacing Volume "000008L7" to
07-Nov 19:18 bacula-fd JobId 4177: Error: attribs.c:558 File size of restored
not correct. Original 491488190, restored 491510945.
07-Nov 19:18 bacula-fd JobId 4177: Error: attribs.c:558 File size of restored
not correct. Original 1941458245, restored 1960777891.
07-Nov 19:18 bacula-fd JobId 4177: Error: attribs.c:558 File size of restored
not correct. Original 1068933297, restored 1075351402.
07-Nov 19:20 bacula-fd JobId 4177: Error: attribs.c:558 File size of restored
not correct. Original 403108731, restored 403131638.
07-Nov 19:20 bacula-fd JobId 4177: Error: attribs.c:558 File size of restored
not correct. Original 1344041666, restored 1362463997.
07-Nov 19:21 bacula-fd JobId 4177: Error: attribs.c:558 File size of restored
not correct. Original 783256492, restored 786109494.
07-Nov 19:26 bacula-fd JobId 4177: Error: attribs.c:558 File size of restored
not correct. Original 18712882, restored 18948582.
07-Nov 19:31 bacula-sd JobId 4177: End of Volume "000008L7" at addr=2924:10669
on device "ULT3580" (/dev/nst0).
07-Nov 19:31 bacula-sd JobId 4177: acquire.c:115 Changing read device. Want
Media Type="HourlyDisk" have="LTO-7" on Tape device="ULT3580" (/dev/nst0)
07-Nov 19:31 bacula-sd JobId 4177: Media Type change. New read File device
"HourlyDevice1" (/backup/bacula/hourly) chosen.
07-Nov 19:31 bacula-sd JobId 4177: Ready to read from volume
"H-4160-C2T-LargeApp-Data.2017-11-06_21.30.00_33.bak" on File device
"HourlyDevice1" (/backup/bacula/hourly).
07-Nov 19:31 bacula-sd JobId 4177: Forward spacing Volume
"H-4160-C2T-LargeApp-Data.2017-11-06_21.30.00_33.bak" to addr=284
07-Nov 19:38 bacula-sd JobId 4177: End of Volume
"H-4160-C2T-LargeApp-Data.2017-11-06_21.30.00_33.bak" at addr=154445468793 on
device "HourlyDevice1" (/backup/bacula/hourly).
07-Nov 19:38 bacula-sd JobId 4177: Ready to read from volume
"H-4165-C2T-LargeApp-Data.2017-11-07_00.30.00_38.bak" on File device
"HourlyDevice1" (/backup/bacula/hourly).
07-Nov 19:38 bacula-sd JobId 4177: Forward spacing Volume
"H-4165-C2T-LargeApp-Data.2017-11-07_00.30.00_38.bak" to addr=284
07-Nov 19:38 bacula-fd JobId 4177: Error: create_file.c:329 Could not hard link
ERR=No such file or directory
07-Nov 19:38 bacula-fd JobId 4177: Error: create_file.c:329 Could not hard link
ERR=No such file or directory
07-Nov 19:38 bacula-fd JobId 4177: Error: create_file.c:329 Could not hard link
ERR=No such file or directory
07-Nov 19:38 bacula-fd JobId 4177: Error: create_file.c:329 Could not hard link
ERR=No such file or directory
07-Nov 19:38 bacula-fd JobId 4177: Error: create_file.c:329 Could not hard link
ERR=No such file or directory
07-Nov 19:38 bacula-fd JobId 4177: Error: create_file.c:329 Could not hard link
ERR=No such file or directory
07-Nov 19:38 bacula-fd JobId 4177: Error: create_file.c:329 Could not hard link
ERR=No such file or directory
07-Nov 19:38 bacula-fd JobId 4177: Error: create_file.c:329 Could not hard link
ERR=No such file or directory
07-Nov 19:38 bacula-fd JobId 4177: Error: create_file.c:329 Could not hard link
ERR=No such file or directory
07-Nov 19:38 bacula-fd JobId 4177: Error: create_file.c:329 Could not hard link
ERR=No such file or directory
07-Nov 19:38 bacula-fd JobId 4177: Error: create_file.c:329 Could not hard link
ERR=No such file or directory
07-Nov 19:38 bacula-fd JobId 4177: Error: create_file.c:329 Could not hard link
ERR=No such file or directory
07-Nov 19:38 bacula-fd JobId 4177: Error: create_file.c:329 Could not hard link
ERR=No such file or directory
07-Nov 19:38 bacula-fd JobId 4177: Error: create_file.c:329 Could not hard link
ERR=No such file or directory
07-Nov 19:38 bacula-fd JobId 4177: Error: create_file.c:329 Could not hard link
ERR=No such file or directory
07-Nov 19:38 bacula-fd JobId 4177: Error: create_file.c:329 Could not hard link
ERR=No such file or directory
07-Nov 19:38 bacula-fd JobId 4177: Error: create_file.c:329 Could not hard link
ERR=No such file or directory
07-Nov 19:38 bacula-fd JobId 4177: Error: create_file.c:329 Could not hard link
ERR=No such file or directory
07-Nov 19:39 bacula-fd JobId 4177: Error: create_file.c:329 Could not hard link
ERR=No such file or directory
07-Nov 19:39 bacula-fd JobId 4177: Error: create_file.c:329 Could not hard link
ERR=No such file or directory
07-Nov 19:40 bacula-sd JobId 4177: End of Volume
"H-4165-C2T-LargeApp-Data.2017-11-07_00.30.00_38.bak" at addr=15776280512 on
device "HourlyDevice1" (/backup/bacula/hourly).
07-Nov 19:40 bacula-sd JobId 4177: Ready to read from volume
"H-4169-C2T-LargeApp-Data.2017-11-07_03.30.00_42.bak" on File device
"HourlyDevice1" (/backup/bacula/hourly).
07-Nov 19:40 bacula-sd JobId 4177: Forward spacing Volume
"H-4169-C2T-LargeApp-Data.2017-11-07_03.30.00_42.bak" to addr=284
07-Nov 19:42 bacula-sd JobId 4177: End of Volume
"H-4169-C2T-LargeApp-Data.2017-11-07_03.30.00_42.bak" at addr=99364285347 on
device "HourlyDevice1" (/backup/bacula/hourly).
07-Nov 19:42 bacula-sd JobId 4177: Ready to read from volume
"H-4172-C2T-LargeApp-Data.2017-11-07_06.30.00_45.bak" on File device
"HourlyDevice1" (/backup/bacula/hourly).
07-Nov 19:42 bacula-sd JobId 4177: Forward spacing Volume
"H-4172-C2T-LargeApp-Data.2017-11-07_06.30.00_45.bak" to addr=284
07-Nov 19:45 bacula-sd JobId 4177: End of Volume
"H-4172-C2T-LargeApp-Data.2017-11-07_06.30.00_45.bak" at addr=105451315032 on
device "HourlyDevice1" (/backup/bacula/hourly).
07-Nov 19:45 bacula-sd JobId 4177: Ready to read from volume
"H-4175-C2T-LargeApp-Data.2017-11-07_09.30.00_48.bak" on File device
"HourlyDevice1" (/backup/bacula/hourly).
07-Nov 19:45 bacula-sd JobId 4177: Forward spacing Volume
"H-4175-C2T-LargeApp-Data.2017-11-07_09.30.00_48.bak" to addr=284
07-Nov 19:45 bacula-fd JobId 4177: Error: attribs.c:558 File size of restored
not correct. Original 174138373, restored 176995514.
07-Nov 19:45 bacula-fd JobId 4177: Error: attribs.c:558 File size of restored
not correct. Original 79963692, restored 80945778.
07-Nov 19:47 bacula-fd JobId 4177: Error: attribs.c:558 File size of restored
not correct. Original 8971102, restored 8971316.
07-Nov 19:47 bacula-fd JobId 4177: Error: attribs.c:558 File size of restored
not correct. Original 17304672, restored 17313538.
07-Nov 19:47 bacula-fd JobId 4177: Error: attribs.c:558 File size of restored
not correct. Original 7370353, restored 7378095.
07-Nov 19:56 bacula-sd JobId 4177: End of Volume
"H-4175-C2T-LargeApp-Data.2017-11-07_09.30.00_48.bak" at addr=109327646194 on
device "HourlyDevice1" (/backup/bacula/hourly).
07-Nov 19:56 bacula-sd JobId 4177: Elapsed time=08:11:05, Transfer rate=135.5 M
07-Nov 19:56 bacula-dir JobId 4177: Error: Bacula bacula-dir 9.0.5 (02Nov17):
Build OS: x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu redhat (Core)
JobId: 4177
Job: RestoreFiles.2017-11-07_11.44.55_11
Restore Client: bacula-fd
Start time: 07-Nov-2017 11:44:57
End time: 07-Nov-2017 19:56:59
Files Expected: 2,046,620
Files Restored: 2,046,627
Bytes Restored: 3,993,431,585,576
Rate: 135269.7 KB/s
FD Errors: 40
FD termination status: Error
SD termination status: OK
Termination: *** Restore Error ***
07-Nov 19:56 bacula-dir JobId 4177: Begin pruning Jobs older than 6 months .
07-Nov 19:56 bacula-dir JobId 4177: No Jobs found to prune.
07-Nov 19:56 bacula-dir JobId 4177: Begin pruning Files.
07-Nov 19:56 bacula-dir JobId 4177: No Files found to prune.
07-Nov 19:56 bacula-dir JobId 4177: End auto prune.
Restored Jobs
| jobid | level | jobfiles | jobbytes | starttime |
volumename |
| 4,045 | F | 1,628,192 | 3,643,593,044,244 | 2017-11-04 00:00:00 |
000010L7 |
| 4,147 | D | 179,871 | 268,678,548,195 | 2017-11-06 18:30:25 |
000008L7 |
| 4,160 | I | 62,318 | 159,562,232,380 | 2017-11-06 21:30:02 |
H-4160-C2T-LargeApp-Data.2017-11-06_21.30.00_33.bak |
| 4,165 | I | 46,017 | 104,023,679,544 | 2017-11-07 00:30:01 |
H-4165-C2T-LargeApp-Data.2017-11-07_00.30.00_38.bak |
| 4,172 | I | 49,784 | 110,610,000,415 | 2017-11-07 06:30:02 |
H-4172-C2T-LargeApp-Data.2017-11-07_06.30.00_45.bak |
| 4,175 | I | 53,185 | 109,232,237,714 | 2017-11-07 09:30:06 |
H-4175-C2T-LargeApp-Data.2017-11-07_09.30.00_48.bak |
07-Nov 09:30 bacula-dir JobId 4175: Start Backup JobId 4175,
07-Nov 09:30 bacula-dir JobId 4175: There are no more Jobs associated with
Volume "H-4068-C2D-SPR01-App.2017-11-05_09.00.00_53.bak". Marking it purged.
07-Nov 09:30 bacula-dir JobId 4175: All records pruned from Volume
"H-4068-C2D-SPR01-App.2017-11-05_09.00.00_53.bak"; marking it "Purged"
07-Nov 09:30 bacula-dir JobId 4175: Created new
Pool="Pool_Hourly2Disk", MediaType="HourlyDisk" in catalog.
07-Nov 09:30 bacula-dir JobId 4175: Using Device "HourlyDevice1" to write.
07-Nov 09:30 bacula-sd JobId 4175: Labeled new Volume
"H-4175-C2T-LargeApp-Data.2017-11-07_09.30.00_48.bak" on File device
"HourlyDevice1" (/backup/bacula/hourly).
07-Nov 09:30 bacula-sd JobId 4175: Wrote label to prelabeled Volume
"H-4175-C2T-LargeApp-Data.2017-11-07_09.30.00_48.bak" on File device
"HourlyDevice1" (/backup/bacula/hourly)
07-Nov 09:32 bacula-fd JobId 4175: Could not stat
ERR=No such file or directory
07-Nov 09:56 bacula-sd JobId 4175: Elapsed time=00:26:02, Transfer rate=69.93 M
07-Nov 09:56 bacula-sd JobId 4175: Sending spooled attrs to the Director.
Despooling 18,662,352 bytes ...
07-Nov 09:56 bacula-dir JobId 4175: Bacula bacula-dir 9.0.4 (06Sep17):
Build OS: x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu redhat (Core)
JobId: 4175
Job: C2T-LargeApp-Data.2017-11-07_09.30.00_48
Backup Level: Incremental, since=2017-11-07 06:30:02
Client: "bacula-fd" 9.0.4 (06Sep17)
FileSet: "LargeApp Data" 2017-06-25 12:35:50
Pool: "Pool_Hourly2Disk" (From Run Pool override)
Catalog: "MyCatalog" (From Client resource)
Storage: "Storage_Hourly2Disk" (From Pool resource)
Scheduled time: 07-Nov-2017 09:30:00
Start time: 07-Nov-2017 09:30:06
End time: 07-Nov-2017 09:56:17
Elapsed time: 26 mins 11 secs
Priority: 12
FD Files Written: 53,185
SD Files Written: 53,185
FD Bytes Written: 109,232,237,714 (109.2 GB)
SD Bytes Written: 109,244,900,360 (109.2 GB)
Rate: 69530.4 KB/s
Software Compression: None
Comm Line Compression: 42.2% 1.7:1
Snapshot/VSS: no
Encryption: no
Accurate: no
Volume name(s): H-4175-C2T-LargeApp-Data.2017-11-07_09.30.00_48.bak
Volume Session Id: 1250
Volume Session Time: 1507129810
Last Volume Bytes: 109,327,646,194 (109.3 GB)
Non-fatal FD errors: 1
SD Errors: 0
FD termination status: OK
SD termination status: OK
Termination: Backup OK -- with warnings
07-Nov 09:56 bacula-dir JobId 4175: Begin pruning Jobs older than 6 months .
07-Nov 09:56 bacula-dir JobId 4175: No Jobs found to prune.
07-Nov 09:56 bacula-dir JobId 4175: Begin pruning Files.
07-Nov 09:56 bacula-dir JobId 4175: No Files found to prune.
07-Nov 09:56 bacula-dir JobId 4175: End auto prune.
07-Nov 06:30 bacula-dir JobId 4172: Start Backup JobId 4172,
07-Nov 06:30 bacula-dir JobId 4172: There are no more Jobs associated with
Volume "H-4065-C2D-SPR01-App.2017-11-05_06.00.00_50.bak". Marking it purged.
07-Nov 06:30 bacula-dir JobId 4172: All records pruned from Volume
"H-4065-C2D-SPR01-App.2017-11-05_06.00.00_50.bak"; marking it "Purged"
07-Nov 06:30 bacula-dir JobId 4172: Created new
Pool="Pool_Hourly2Disk", MediaType="HourlyDisk" in catalog.
07-Nov 06:30 bacula-dir JobId 4172: Using Device "HourlyDevice1" to write.
07-Nov 06:30 bacula-sd JobId 4172: Labeled new Volume
"H-4172-C2T-LargeApp-Data.2017-11-07_06.30.00_45.bak" on File device
"HourlyDevice1" (/backup/bacula/hourly).
07-Nov 06:30 bacula-sd JobId 4172: Wrote label to prelabeled Volume
"H-4172-C2T-LargeApp-Data.2017-11-07_06.30.00_45.bak" on File device
"HourlyDevice1" (/backup/bacula/hourly)
07-Nov 06:33 bacula-fd JobId 4172: Could not stat
ERR=No such file or directory
07-Nov 07:02 bacula-sd JobId 4172: Elapsed time=00:32:49, Transfer rate=56.18 M
07-Nov 07:02 bacula-sd JobId 4172: Sending spooled attrs to the Director.
Despooling 17,452,917 bytes ...
07-Nov 07:03 bacula-dir JobId 4172: Bacula bacula-dir 9.0.4 (06Sep17):
Build OS: x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu redhat (Core)
JobId: 4172
Job: C2T-LargeApp-Data.2017-11-07_06.30.00_45
Backup Level: Incremental, since=2017-11-07 03:30:04
Client: "bacula-fd" 9.0.4 (06Sep17)
FileSet: "LargeApp Data" 2017-06-25 12:35:50
Pool: "Pool_Hourly2Disk" (From Run Pool override)
Catalog: "MyCatalog" (From Client resource)
Storage: "Storage_Hourly2Disk" (From Pool resource)
Scheduled time: 07-Nov-2017 06:30:00
Start time: 07-Nov-2017 06:30:02
End time: 07-Nov-2017 07:03:02
Elapsed time: 33 mins
Priority: 12
FD Files Written: 49,784
SD Files Written: 49,784
FD Bytes Written: 110,610,000,415 (110.6 GB)
SD Bytes Written: 110,621,837,521 (110.6 GB)
Rate: 55863.6 KB/s
Software Compression: None
Comm Line Compression: 24.8% 1.3:1
Snapshot/VSS: no
Encryption: no
Accurate: no
Volume name(s): H-4172-C2T-LargeApp-Data.2017-11-07_06.30.00_45.bak
Volume Session Id: 1247
Volume Session Time: 1507129810
Last Volume Bytes: 110,705,487,963 (110.7 GB)
Non-fatal FD errors: 1
SD Errors: 0
FD termination status: OK
SD termination status: OK
Termination: Backup OK -- with warnings
07-Nov 07:03 bacula-dir JobId 4172: Begin pruning Jobs older than 6 months .
07-Nov 07:03 bacula-dir JobId 4172: No Jobs found to prune.
07-Nov 07:03 bacula-dir JobId 4172: Begin pruning Files.
07-Nov 07:03 bacula-dir JobId 4172: No Files found to prune.
07-Nov 07:03 bacula-dir JobId 4172: End auto prune.
07-Nov 00:30 bacula-dir JobId 4165: Start Backup JobId 4165,
07-Nov 00:30 bacula-dir JobId 4165: Created new
Pool="Pool_Hourly2Disk", MediaType="HourlyDisk" in catalog.
07-Nov 00:30 bacula-dir JobId 4165: Using Device "HourlyDevice1" to write.
07-Nov 00:30 bacula-sd JobId 4165: Labeled new Volume
"H-4165-C2T-LargeApp-Data.2017-11-07_00.30.00_38.bak" on File device
"HourlyDevice1" (/backup/bacula/hourly).
07-Nov 00:30 bacula-sd JobId 4165: Wrote label to prelabeled Volume
"H-4165-C2T-LargeApp-Data.2017-11-07_00.30.00_38.bak" on File device
"HourlyDevice1" (/backup/bacula/hourly)
07-Nov 01:23 bacula-sd JobId 4165: Elapsed time=00:53:33, Transfer rate=32.37 M
07-Nov 01:23 bacula-sd JobId 4165: Sending spooled attrs to the Director.
Despooling 16,014,664 bytes ...
07-Nov 01:23 bacula-dir JobId 4165: Bacula bacula-dir 9.0.4 (06Sep17):
Build OS: x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu redhat (Core)
JobId: 4165
Job: C2T-LargeApp-Data.2017-11-07_00.30.00_38
Backup Level: Incremental, since=2017-11-06 21:30:02
Client: "bacula-fd" 9.0.4 (06Sep17)
FileSet: "LargeApp Data" 2017-06-25 12:35:50
Pool: "Pool_Hourly2Disk" (From Run Pool override)
Catalog: "MyCatalog" (From Client resource)
Storage: "Storage_Hourly2Disk" (From Pool resource)
Scheduled time: 07-Nov-2017 00:30:00
Start time: 07-Nov-2017 00:30:01
End time: 07-Nov-2017 01:23:44
Elapsed time: 53 mins 43 secs
Priority: 12
FD Files Written: 46,017
SD Files Written: 46,017
FD Bytes Written: 104,023,679,544 (104.0 GB)
SD Bytes Written: 104,034,506,695 (104.0 GB)
Rate: 32275.4 KB/s
Software Compression: None
Comm Line Compression: 80.9% 5.2:1
Snapshot/VSS: no
Encryption: no
Accurate: no
Volume name(s): H-4165-C2T-LargeApp-Data.2017-11-07_00.30.00_38.bak
Volume Session Id: 1240
Volume Session Time: 1507129810
Last Volume Bytes: 104,113,158,729 (104.1 GB)
Non-fatal FD errors: 0
SD Errors: 0
FD termination status: OK
SD termination status: OK
Termination: Backup OK
07-Nov 01:23 bacula-dir JobId 4165: Begin pruning Jobs older than 6 months .
07-Nov 01:23 bacula-dir JobId 4165: No Jobs found to prune.
07-Nov 01:23 bacula-dir JobId 4165: Begin pruning Files.
07-Nov 01:23 bacula-dir JobId 4165: No Files found to prune.
07-Nov 01:23 bacula-dir JobId 4165: End auto prune.
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