Please dig into the rationale for “I delete the oldest tapes from this pool” ??

If you are manually deleting the tape Volume or changing the Pool, you are 
changing the Volume information, the restore wizard is linked to the “at the 
time of run” job, pool, and volume information in order to produce the list.  
This may be why you see the correct information when you specify the job id.  
If your retention for Volumes needs to be 365 days, as you have configured, let 
Bacula purge/recycle volumes.  I have found the easiest way is to use the 
‘Recycle Oldest Volume’ directive to recycle the oldest tapes in the Pool 
currently in your library.  If you are replacing 3 tapes every month and you 
have 36 tapes in rotation, the oldest 3 will be purged and recycled as the 
running jobs need them.  My experience is if you are replacing tapes and 
updating the slots appropriately there should never be a need to manually 
delete Volumes or change Pools.  Volumes physically moved to off site will move 
to Slot 0 “removed” until reinserted into your library.  They will naturally 
purge and recycle per configured retention periods and in a jam the oldest will 
be used to ensure the running job completes (say if the job grows to a fourth 
tape).  If you want to have a pool for just Off-Site monthlies create a pool 
for OffSite, use the pool override option in your schedule resource to assign 
it when the monthlies run.  When you return the tapes to the library the above 
‘Recycle Oldest Volume’ option will be sure they are recycled first.

I hope that helps.

Jim Richardson

From: sachin.holikar []
Sent: Wednesday, August 30, 2017 8:18 AM
To: Wanderlei Huttel <>
Subject: Re: [Bacula-users] Retention Period not working?

Thanx for the Response. Here is the Output. and the Directory listing is 

*restore jobid=2440
Automatically selected Catalog: MyCatalog
Using Catalog "MyCatalog"
You have selected the following JobId: 2440

Building directory tree for JobId(s) 2440 ...  
128,439 files inserted into the tree.

You are now entering file selection mode where you add (mark) and
remove (unmark) files to be restored. No files are initially added, unless
you used the "all" keyword on the command line.
Enter "done" to leave this mode.
cwd is: /
$ ls

On Wed, Aug 30, 2017 at 3:14 PM, Wanderlei Huttel 
<<>> wrote:
Hello Sachin

Try to restore jobid=2440 until the screen to confirm and post all information 
in the screen (since the begin)


Wanderlei Hüttel

2017-08-30 9:40 GMT-03:00 sachin.holikar 
Hello Expert,

We have been using Bacula Version: 7.4.0.
Recently we introduced Offsite backup pool with N no. of tapes. The retention 
periods are as follows,
File Retention : 92 Days
Job Retention : 92 Days
Volume Retention : 365 Days
Every month we take offsite backup and the respective tapes move out of the 
library manually.  And replace them with the oldest backup tapes.
I use 3 sets for this so that I delete the oldest tapes from this pool and add 
the tapes from next-backup-cycle set (which was previously kept aside).
In order to verify , I tried to do restore for one of the hosts and surprised 
to found that it allows me to choose only from 1 Set.
Select the Client (1-17): 2
Automatically selected FileSet: ClientA_offsite_system
| JobId | Level | JobFiles | JobBytes      | StartTime           | VolumeName |
| 2,854 | F     |  137,373 | 5,130,634,026 | 2017-08-27 18:51:12 | 0001ABL4   |
Whereas actually there should be atleast 2 more available backups done in 
previous months , as indicated by the query,
query #5 {List all backups for a Client}
Choose a query (1-20): 5
Enter Client Name: ClientA
| JobId | Client     | FileSet                | Level | StartTime           | 
JobFiles | JobBytes      | VolumeName |
| 2,440 | ClientA-fd | ClientA_offsite_system | F     | 2017-07-02 18:52:02 |  
137,333 | 5,114,946,004 | 000193L4   |
| 2,652 | ClientA-fd | ClientA_offsite_system | F     | 2017-07-30 18:52:40 |  
137,354 | 5,123,225,649 | 000134L4   |
| 2,854 | ClientA-fd | ClientA_offsite_system | F     | 2017-08-27 18:51:12 |  
137,373 | 5,130,634,026 | 000191L4   |
As can be seen in the recors , there have been 3 backups done on  02-07-2017 
and 30-07-2017 and 27-08-2017.
Then why am I being presented with only backup from 27-08-2017 at the restore 

Thanx in advance.


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