> On Aug 22, 2017, at 11:01 AM, Dimitri Maziuk <dmaz...@bmrb.wisc.edu> wrote:
> On 2017-08-22 03:10, Kern Sibbald wrote:
>> Dimitri,
>> I have heard the same complaint from you a number of times: "Bacula sucks at 
>> disk as tapes".  It is my view that your statement is simply not true.
> I think at the very basic level, a disk is a device that doesn't quack like a 
> tape and doesn't walk like a tape. What this means is if your software is 
> built on the tape paradigm, it can call a disk "a tape", and it will suck 
> because it actually is not a tape. It does not matter to me what API the code 
> calls to do addressing: the point is that a disk has multiple files on it 
> while a tape has bytes until EOT.
> Don't get me wrong, this is not specific to bacula: every tape backup 
> software has the same conceptual limitation and has to employ some 
> workarounds for backups to disk. But this is the bacula list, we're not 
> talking about every software here.
> Bacula, in fact, is much better than some, if you can fit all your backups on 
> a single filesystem: bacula's built-in disk backup setup is a breeze.
> However if you want to backup to removable disks and put them on the shelf 
> when full, that's where things get less than perfect fast.

Is this a common use case?  I'm not challenging your approach. I am seeking 
knowledge about how Bacula gets used.

Dan Langille - BSDCan / PGCon

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