Hello Davide,

On 2017-08-18 at 15:20:16 Davide Giunchi - Diennea wrote:
> I've relased a Perl utility that may be useful:
> https://github.com/davidegiunchidiennea/bboss-report
> Generate a spreadsheet (xls format) containing a report of what
> Bacula save: jobname, fileset, pre-post scripts ecc. All written in a
> human readable's format. It's useful to generate periodic reports or
> when your boss ask for a "report of what we are saving right now":
> bacula's web interface may be your first thought, but an xls file
> it's easier to share with other managers, and access to the bacula's
> web interface may be restricted in a separated nework or similar.
Sounds good. I've installed boss-report.pl, ran it afterwards and it
created after a short while the xls report - but alas - libreoffice
wouldn't display it, so unless some other spreadsheet program on linux
will display it it is totally useless. 

Mi dispiace

Erik P. Olsen

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