As far as I know, Bacula works perfectly fine with MariaDB -- you just use all the MySQL scripts and the Bacula MySQL driver.

If you have any significant quantity of data, you will most likely want to use PostgreSQL, which is significantly faster than MySQL for Bacula use.  If all goes well, we will be releasing binaries in the near future. They are not quite ready, but I see progress.  For version 7.4.7 I would be very surprised if there are not binaries available for it somewhere for CentOS 7.

Best regards,


On 06/29/2017 03:49 PM, Hicks, Daniel CTR OSD DMEA wrote:

Hello all


I started using Bacula with 7 and it looked for MariaDB during the installation, using the CentOS 7 rpms. When I went to 7.4.7 I had to compile from source and was only able to get MySQL to work.


My question is this, is there a way to get the 7.4.7 version to work with MariaDB? Or is there a newer version that works better with MariaDB? Is there a version that might have the database pre-compiled / built in?


Thank you


Daniel Hicks

Senior Systems Analyst

Defense Microelectronics Activity (DMEA)


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