Hello everyone,

I'm really struggling to solve a problem with my bacula setup and I could
use some guidance or helpful comments, PLEASE PLEASE. I've been using
Bacula for about six months with an AWS storage gateway with success, but
still have so much to learn. I would welcome any help!!

I've tried to walk through this current problem, read the docs, search the
web - but I'm really stuck.

some quick background:

I started shutting down the storage gateway from most of the day because
why run it when my backups aren't scheduled until 11:00 pm? This worked
fine for about a week, then I started getting messages in the jobs asking
'Please mount append Volume "xxxxx" or label a new one for' the job.

So, I 'update slots' to make sure nothing got out of alignment and ran a
job again:

27-Jun 13:03 bacula-dir JobId 419: Start Backup JobId 419,
27-Jun 13:03 bacula-dir JobId 419: Using Device "Drive-4" to write.
27-Jun 13:03 bacula-sd JobId 419: 3307 Issuing autochanger "unload slot 31,
drive 3" command.
27-Jun 13:03 bacula-sd JobId 419: 3307 Issuing autochanger "unload slot 11,
drive 0" command.
27-Jun 13:03 bacula-sd JobId 419: 3304 Issuing autochanger "load slot 11,
drive 3" command.
27-Jun 13:03 bacula-sd JobId 419: 3305 Autochanger "load slot 11, drive 3",
status is OK.
27-Jun 13:03 bacula-sd JobId 419: Please mount append Volume "BAKEEC9D4D"
or label a new one for:

It seemed like the autochanger was working properly - moving tapes around
as needed. But, when I check which volumes are actually listed in the slots
using MTX, I got a different result:

$ sudo /usr/sbin/mtx -f /dev/tape/by-id/scsi-2414d5a4e5f5347572d433245
status | head -n 50

 Storage Changer /dev/tape/by-id/scsi-2414d5a4e5f5347572d433245:10 Drives,
3200 Slots ( 1600 Import/Export )
Data Transfer Element 0:Full (Storage Element 2 Loaded):VolumeTag =
Data Transfer Element 1:Full (Storage Element 11 Loaded):VolumeTag =
Data Transfer Element 2:Empty
Data Transfer Element 3:Full (Storage Element 21 Loaded):VolumeTag =
Data Transfer Element 4:Empty
Data Transfer Element 5:Empty
Data Transfer Element 6:Empty
Data Transfer Element 7:Empty
Data Transfer Element 8:Empty
Data Transfer Element 9:Empty
      Storage Element 1:Full :VolumeTag=BAKC8C9D2D
      Storage Element 2:Empty:VolumeTag=

SO - bacula was saying that slot 11 is in drive 3, status ok
BUT, mtx was saying that slot 11 is in drive 1.

I stopped bacula-dir and bacula-sd, then used manual mtx commands to unload
/ load the tapes out of the drives, then restarted bacula, updated slots,
volumes and pools, but I keep getting errors about 'Please mount append
Volume "BAKEEC9D4D" or label a new one for' the job - even though now the
drives and volumes seem to line up with mtx data:

27-Jun 19:26 bacula-dir JobId 424: Start Backup JobId 424,
27-Jun 19:26 bacula-dir JobId 424: Using Device "Drive-1" to write.
27-Jun 19:26 bacula-sd JobId 424: Please mount append Volume "BAKEEC9D4D"
or label a new one for:
Job: crashbox.2017-06-27_19.26.13_06
Storage: "Drive-1" (/dev/tape/by-path/ip-tapedrive-01-lun-0-nst)
Pool: Tape4
Media type: ULT3580-TD5

a list of the status of the changer:

$ sudo /usr/sbin/mtx -f /dev/tape/by-id/scsi-2414d5a4e5f5347572d433245
status | head -n 50
  Storage Changer /dev/tape/by-id/scsi-2414d5a4e5f5347572d433245:10 Drives,
3200 Slots ( 1600 Import/Export )
Data Transfer Element 0:Full (Storage Element 11 Loaded):VolumeTag =
Data Transfer Element 1:Empty
Data Transfer Element 2:Empty
Data Transfer Element 3:Empty
Data Transfer Element 4:Empty
Data Transfer Element 5:Empty
Data Transfer Element 6:Empty
Data Transfer Element 7:Empty
Data Transfer Element 8:Empty
Data Transfer Element 9:Empty
      Storage Element 1:Full :VolumeTag=BAKC8C9D2D
      Storage Element 2:Full :VolumeTag=BAKB3DD699
      Storage Element 3:Full :VolumeTag=BAKB38D69C
      Storage Element 4:Full :VolumeTag=BAKB31D695
      Storage Element 5:Full :VolumeTag=BAKB32D696
      Storage Element 6:Full :VolumeTag=BAKB3FD69B
      Storage Element 7:Full :VolumeTag=BAKB39D69D
      Storage Element 8:Full :VolumeTag=BAKB3AD69E
      Storage Element 9:Full :VolumeTag=BAKB33D697
      Storage Element 10:Full :VolumeTag=BAKB3CD698
      Storage Element 11:Empty:VolumeTag=
      Storage Element 12:Full :VolumeTag=BAKC8A9D2B

It looks to me like the correct volume is loaded in the correct drive.
Also, this volume has been written to for several months with no issues.
It's not new.

A query on the bacula database shows that the volume is recorded in the
proper slot and listed with the 'append' status:

Volume name     Bytes             Media Type     Expire     Last written
    Status     Slot
BAKEEC9D4D     298.76 GB     ULT3580-TD5     n/a     2017-06-24 23:05:45
    Append     11

Is it something in my config?


Director {                            # define myself
  Name = bacula-dir
  DIRport = 9101                # where we listen for UA connections
  QueryFile = "/etc/bacula/query.sql"
  WorkingDirectory = "/var/spool/bacula"
  PidDirectory = "/var/run"
  Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 10
  Password = "password-here"         # Console password
  Messages = Daemon
  TLS Certificate = /etc/bacula/certs/safehousebak2.URL.com.crt
  TLS Key = /etc/bacula/certs/safehousebak2.URL.com-daemon.key
  TLS CA Certificate File = /etc/bacula/certs/cacert.pem
  TLS Enable = yes
  TLS Require = yes
  TLS Verify Peer = no

JobDefs {
  Name = "DefaultJob"
  Type = Backup
  Level = Incremental
  Client = bacula-fd
  FileSet = "Full Set"
  Schedule = "WeeklyCycle"
  Storage = VTL
  Messages = Standard
  #Pool = File
  Pool = Tape
  #Prefer Mounted Volumes = "no"
  Priority = 10
  Write Bootstrap = "/var/spool/bacula/%c.bsr"

# Define the main nightly save backup job
Job {
  Name = "safehousebak1"
  JobDefs = "DefaultJob"
  Spool Data = no
  #Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 10
  #Prefer Mounted Volumes = "no"
  Pool = Tape

Job {
  Name = "safehouse"
  JobDefs = "DefaultJob"
  Client = safe1.URL.com-fd
  Spool Data = no
  #Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 10
  #Prefer Mounted Volumes = "no"
  Pool = Tape2

Job {
  Name = "safe1staging"
  JobDefs = "DefaultJob"
  Client = safe1staging.URL.com-fd
  Schedule = "NoCycle"
  Spool Data = no
  #Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 10
  #Prefer Mounted Volumes = "no"
  Pool = Tape3

Job {
  Name = "luke-MacBookPro"
  JobDefs = "DefaultJob"
  Client = luke-MacBookPro-fd
  Schedule = "NoCycle"
  Spool Data = no
  #Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 10
  #Maximum Bandwidth = 500kb/s
  FileSet = "Full Set luke-macbookpro"
  #Prefer Mounted Volumes = "no"
  Pool = Tape3

Job {
  Name = "crashbox"
  JobDefs = "DefaultJob"
  Client = crashbox.URL.com-fd
  Spool Data = no
  #Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 10
  #Maximum Bandwidth = 500kb/s
  FileSet = "Full Set crashbox"
  #Prefer Mounted Volumes = "no"
  Pool = Tape4

# Client (File Services) to backup
Client {
  Name = bacula-fd
  Address = safehousebak2.URL.com
  FDPort = 9102
  Catalog = MyCatalog
  Password = "password-here"          # password for FileDaemon
  File Retention = 6 months            # six months
  Job Retention = 6 months            # six months
  AutoPrune = yes                     # Prune expired Jobs/Files
  TLS Certificate =
  TLS Key =
  TLS CA Certificate File = /etc/bacula/certs/cacert.pem
  TLS Enable = yes
  TLS Require = yes

Client {
  Name = safe1.URL.com-fd
  # Address =
  Address = safe1.URL.com
  FDPort = 9102
  Catalog = MyCatalog
#  Password = "gcCd1uHeGS62gpUa"
  Password = "password-here"
  File Retention = 6 months            # six months
  Job Retention = 6 months
  AutoPrune = yes
  TLS Certificate = /etc/bacula/certs/safe1/safe1.URL.com.crt
  TLS Key = /etc/bacula/certs/safe1/safe1.URL.com-daemon.key
  TLS CA Certificate File = /etc/bacula/certs/cacert.pem
  TLS Enable = yes
  TLS Require = yes

Client {
  Name = safe1staging.URL.com-fd
  Address = safe1staging.URL.com
  FDPort = 9102
  Catalog = MyCatalog
#  Password = "gcCd1uHeGS62gpUa"
  Password = "password-here"
  File Retention = 6 months            # six months
  Job Retention = 6 months
  AutoPrune = yes

# Client (File Services) to backup
#  You should change Name, Address, and Password before using
Client {
  Name = luke-MacBookPro-fd
  # Address =
  Address = crashbox.URL.com
  FDPort = 9102
  Catalog = MyCatalog
  Password = "password-here"
  File Retention = 6 months            # six months
  Job Retention = 6 months
  AutoPrune = yes

# Client (File Services) to backup
#  You should change Name, Address, and Password before using
Client {
  Name = crashbox.URL.com-fd
  Address = crashbox.URL.com
  FDPort = 9105
  Catalog = MyCatalog
  Password = "password-here"
  File Retention = 6 months            # six months
  Job Retention = 6 months
  AutoPrune = yes
  TLS Certificate = /etc/bacula/certs/crashbox/crashbox.URL.com.crt
  TLS Key = /etc/bacula/certs/crashbox/crashbox.URL.com-daemon.key
  TLS CA Certificate File = /etc/bacula/certs/cacert.pem
  TLS Enable = yes
  TLS Require = yes

# Definition of file storage device
Storage {
  Name = VTL
# Do not use "localhost" here
  # Address = xxx.amazonaws.com                # N.B. Use a fully qualified
name here
  Address = safehousebak2.URL.com
  SDPort = 9103
  Password = "password-here"
  Device = "VTL-Autochanger"
  Media Type = ULT3580-TD5
  Autochanger = yes
  Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 10;

# Default pool definition
Pool {
  Name = Default
  Pool Type = Backup
  Recycle = yes                       # Bacula can automatically recycle
  AutoPrune = yes                     # Prune expired volumes
  Volume Retention = 365 days         # one year

# tape Pool definition
Pool {
  Name = Tape
  Pool Type = Backup
  #Storage = VTL
  Recycle = yes                       # Bacula can automatically recycle
  AutoPrune = yes                     # Prune expired volumes
  Volume Retention = 365 days         # one year
  Maximum Volume Bytes = 990G          # Limit Volume size to something
  Maximum Volumes = 10               # Limit number of Volumes in Pool

# File Pool definition
Pool {
  Name = Tape2
  Pool Type = Backup
  #Storage = VTL
  Recycle = yes                       # Bacula can automatically recycle
  AutoPrune = yes                     # Prune expired volumes
  Volume Retention = 365 days         # one year
  Maximum Volume Bytes = 990G          # Limit Volume size to something
  Maximum Volumes = 10             # Limit number of Volumes in Pool

# File Pool definition
Pool {
  Name = Tape3
  Pool Type = Backup
  #Storage = VTL
  Recycle = yes                       # Bacula can automatically recycle
  AutoPrune = yes                     # Prune expired volumes
  Volume Retention = 365 days         # one year
  Maximum Volume Bytes = 990G          # Limit Volume size to something
  Maximum Volumes = 10               # Limit number of Volumes in Pool

# File Pool definition
Pool {
  Name = Tape4
  Pool Type = Backup
  #Storage = VTL
  Recycle = yes                       # Bacula can automatically recycle
  AutoPrune = yes                     # Prune expired volumes
  Volume Retention = 365 days         # one year
  Maximum Volume Bytes = 990G          # Limit Volume size to something
  Maximum Volumes = 10                 # Limit number of Volumes in Pool

Storage Config:

Storage {                             # definition of myself
  Name = bacula-sd
  SDPort = 9103                  # Director's port
  WorkingDirectory = "/var/spool/bacula"
  Pid Directory = "/var/run"
  Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 20
  SDAddress = xxx.compute-1.amazonaws.com
  TLS Certificate = /etc/bacula/certs/safehousebak2.URL.com.crt
  TLS Key = /etc/bacula/certs/safehousebak2.URL.com-daemon.key
  TLS CA Certificate File = /etc/bacula/certs/cacert.pem
  TLS Enable = yes
  TLS Require = yes
  TLS Verify Peer = no

# List Directors who are permitted to contact Storage daemon
Director {
  Name = bacula-dir
  Password = "ZWRlODg2ODZjMDNkY2M0MzM0ZjcxNDExN"

# Restricted Director, used by tray-monitor to get the
#   status of the storage daemon
Director {
  Name = bacula-mon
  Password = "ZWRlODg2ODZjMDNkY2M0MzM0ZjcxNDExN"
  Monitor = yes

# Note, for a list of additional Device templates please
#  see the directory <bacula-source>/examples/devices
# Or follow the following link:

# Devices supported by this Storage daemon
# To connect, the Director's bacula-dir.conf must have the
#  same Name and MediaType.

Device {
  Name = FileStorage
  Media Type = File
  Archive Device = /tmp
  LabelMedia = yes;                   # lets Bacula label unlabeled media
  Random Access = Yes;
  AutomaticMount = yes;               # when device opened, read it
  RemovableMedia = no;
  AlwaysOpen = no;

# An autochanger device with four drives
Autochanger {
  Name = VTL-Autochanger
  Device = Drive-1, Drive-2, Drive-3, Drive-4
  Changer Command = "/usr/libexec/bacula/mtx-changer %c %o %S %a %d"
  Changer Device = /dev/tape/by-id/scsi-2414d5a4e5f5347572d433245

Device {
  Name = Drive-1                      #
  Drive Index = 0
  Media Type = ULT3580-TD5
  #Archive Device = /dev/nst0
  Archive Device = "/dev/tape/by-path/ip-01-lun-0-nst"
  AutomaticMount = yes;               # when device opened, read it
  AlwaysOpen = yes;
  RemovableMedia = yes;
  RandomAccess = no;
  AutoChanger = yes;
  #Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 5;
#  #
#  # Enable the Alert command only if you have the mtx package loaded
#  # Note, apparently on some systems, tapeinfo resets the SCSI controller
#  #  thus if you turn this on, make sure it does not reset your SCSI
#  #  controller.  I have never had any problems, and smartctl does
#  #  not seem to cause such problems.

#  Alert Command = "sh -c 'tapeinfo -f %c |grep TapeAlert|cat'"
#  If you have smartctl, enable this, it has more info than tapeinfo
#  Alert Command = "sh -c 'smartctl -H -l error %c'"


Device {
  Name = Drive-2                      #
  Drive Index = 1
  Media Type = ULT3580-TD5
  #Archive Device = /dev/nst1
  Archive Device = "/dev/tape/by-path/ip-tapedrive-02-lun-0-nst"
  AutomaticMount = yes;               # when device opened, read it
  AlwaysOpen = yes;
  RemovableMedia = yes;
  RandomAccess = no;
  AutoChanger = yes;
  #Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 5;
  # Enable the Alert command only if you have the mtx package loaded
#  Alert Command = "sh -c 'tapeinfo -f %c |grep TapeAlert|cat'"
#  If you have smartctl, enable this, it has more info than tapeinfo
#  Alert Command = "sh -c 'smartctl -H -l error %c'"


Device {
  Name = Drive-3                      #
  Drive Index = 2
  Media Type = ULT3580-TD5
  #Archive Device = /dev/nst1
  Archive Device = "/dev/tape/by-path/ip-03-lun-0-nst"
  AutomaticMount = yes;               # when device opened, read it
  AlwaysOpen = yes;
  RemovableMedia = yes;
  RandomAccess = no;
  AutoChanger = yes;
  #Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 5;
  # Enable the Alert command only if you have the mtx package loaded
#  Alert Command = "sh -c 'tapeinfo -f %c |grep TapeAlert|cat'"
#  If you have smartctl, enable this, it has more info than tapeinfo
#  Alert Command = "sh -c 'smartctl -H -l error %c'"


Device {
  Name = Drive-4                      #
  Drive Index = 3
  Media Type = ULT3580-TD5
  #Archive Device = /dev/nst1
  Archive Device = "/dev/tape/by-path/ip-tapedrive-04-lun-0-nst"
  AutomaticMount = yes;               # when device opened, read it
  AlwaysOpen = yes;
  RemovableMedia = yes;
  RandomAccess = no;
  AutoChanger = yes;
  #Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 5;
  # Enable the Alert command only if you have the mtx package loaded
#  Alert Command = "sh -c 'tapeinfo -f %c |grep TapeAlert|cat'"
#  If you have smartctl, enable this, it has more info than tapeinfo
#  Alert Command = "sh -c 'smartctl -H -l error %c'"


Luke Salsich
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