On 05/15/2017 08:35 AM, Thomas Franz wrote:
> Hello,
> in our opinion it is the best way to have one storage daemon for each
> storage device (more stable if one device ist lost etc.)
> Our configuration ( see below) works, but I have a problem with bconsole.
> In this configuration the status command of bconsole only shows the
> first storage !!!
> The second storage ist only shown if I change the "Address" , for
> example with the domain of a second network device ( Address =
> backup.seconddomain ).
> I don't understand this behavior and I don't like my hack .

Hi Thomas,

This is by design. If more than one Storage resource has the same "Address =" 
defined (ie: multiple storage resources on on SD), Bacula "rolls them up" and 
only shows the first one in selection lists.  Your "hack" is a valid way to 
have Bacula show them all.

In cases where I really want to see all of them (for testing, demonstrating, 
troubleshooting, etc), what I usually do is set up a different DNS A record 
for each Storage resource and just point them all to the same IP on the SD 

Best regards,


Bill Arlofski
-- Not responsible for anything below this line --

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