On Thu, May 11, 2017 at 07:43:54AM -0400, Dan Langille wrote:
> On May 11, 2017, at 5:36 AM, Andrea Venturoli <m...@netfence.it> wrote:
>> On 05/10/17 14:04, Kern Sibbald wrote:
>> After thinking about this some more, it seems to me that it is a waste of
>> your time to run Bacula in a jail.  You are going to have nothing but
>> problems.  Running regression tests with Bacula is designed to confine
>> itself to the regress directory (and perhaps tmp), and the probability of
>> having a security problem of any kind while running regression tests is
>> essentially zero.   Sorry, but I would not even try running Bacula
>> regression tests in a jail.
> All my Bacula regression testing is done in jails.  The primary goal was to
> keep the environments separate.  Each regression test I use uses a different
> version of MySQL / PostgreSQL.  I realized most people only test one version
> of the DB.  I'm testing multiple because I can. The easiest way to do that
> is to give each test its own home.

Hi Dan,

I am trying to set up regression testing on OpenBSD box, and I was
wondering would you be willing to share your jail setup steps?
I'd love to try and set up something similar to what you have (testing
against different versions of mysql and postgres).

Thanks in advance,


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