Thank you, Kern!!!

So I’ll change to Max jobs back to 20, but will that start 2 jobs 
My boss really wants to backups finish before Monday morning!
Still don’t know what’s the trick.

BTW, I love your Bacula! Unbelievable stable and friendly… except for setting 
up 2 backups running at the same time! ; )

Thanks, take care

Jan Stefanovic
IT Systems Administrator

From: Kern Sibbald []
Sent: Wednesday, March 08, 2017 12:18 AM
To: Jan Stefanovic; Wanderlei Huttel; Dimitri Maziuk
Subject: Re: [Bacula-users] Running 2 backup jobs simultaneously

Hello Jan,

This is not a good configuration.  In general, for your situation, you should 
set Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 20 everywhere.  Only if your schedule tries to 
start more than two jobs at a time, or if there is some critical reason to 
severely limit the number of simultaneous jobs, should you then set one of 
those maximum's to something smaller.

Best regards,

On 03/07/2017 08:04 PM, Jan Stefanovic wrote:
thank you Wanderlei and Dimitry!!!

followed advice from both of you, changed Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 2 in 

[root@bacula bacula]# grep "Maximum Concurrent Jobs" *.conf
bacula-dir.conf:  Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 2
bacula-dir.conf:  Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 2
bacula-fd.conf:  Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 2
bacula-sd.conf:  Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 2
bacula-sd.conf:  Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 2   # Added by Jan to test 2 jobs

now second job is waiting for Storage “File”

Running Jobs:
Console connected at 07-Mar-17 10:56
JobId  Type Level     Files     Bytes  Name              Status
10891  Back Incr          0         0  Zabbix            is running
10892  Back Incr          0         0  OTRS              is waiting on Storage 

What’s the proper settings for Storage File, please?

Thanks, take care

Jan Stefanovic
IT Systems Administrator

From: Wanderlei Huttel []
Sent: Tuesday, March 07, 2017 10:58 AM
To: Jan Stefanovic
Subject: Re: [Bacula-users] Running 2 backup jobs simultaneously

Bacula treats "Maximum Concurrent Job" by Resource.

Sou you need to change as your need

I suggest increase this value in Director, and Storage, and in the Client let 
only 2.

Be careful with possible bottlenecks of disk writes

Best regards

Wanderlei Hüttel

2017-03-07 15:47 GMT-03:00 Jan Stefanovic 
Hi Wanderlei,

checked for Max jobs, this is what I have in /etc/bacula

[root@bacula bacula]# grep "Maximum Concurrent Jobs" *.conf
bacula-dir.conf:  Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 2
bacula-fd.conf:  Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 20
bacula-sd.conf:  Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 20

Should I change bacula-fd.conf and bacula-sd.conf to Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 

or is there anything else I should change/add?

Thanks, take care

Jan Stefanovic
IT Systems Administrator

From: Wanderlei Huttel 
Sent: Tuesday, March 07, 2017 10:31 AM
To: Jan Stefanovic
Subject: Re: [Bacula-users] Running 2 backup jobs simultaneously

Hello Jan

You need to configure "Maximum Concurrent Jobs" in these files/resources:

Maximum Concurrent Jobs = XXX

File: bacula-dir.conf
Resource:  Director, Storage, Client

File: bacula-sd.conf
Resource:  Storage, Device

File: bacula-fd.conf
Resource: FileDaemon

Best Regards

Wanderlei Hüttel

2017-03-07 15:06 GMT-03:00 Jan Stefanovic 
Good morning, Bacula gurus!

I have another question:

How do I run 2 backup jobs simultaneously?

I have 2 pools :

And I’ve changed bacula-dir.conf:  Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 2

Now I’ve started 2 backup jobs manually for servers in each pool
Zabbix server is a member of ITServersPool-A and OTRS is a member of 
However, I can see only 1 backup is running, while second backup is waiting.

What’s the trick, please?

Running Jobs:
Console connected at 07-Mar-17 09:53
JobId  Type Level     Files     Bytes  Name              Status
10889  Back Incr          0         0  Zabbix             is running
10890  Back Incr          0         0  OTRS              is waiting on max 
Storage jobs

Many thanks in advance, would appreciate any input from you guys!!!

Thanks, take care

Jan Stefanovic
IT Systems Administrator

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