HI Josip,

thanks for your reply.

The idea was to be able to run more jobs (which write in unique volumes) 
concurrently on the same pool. I can try moving the Storage directive to the 
pool resource(s) I have, but I'd still need a way of running more jobs at the 
same time on the same pool.

There seems to be no standard way of doing that, or at least not really well 



From: Josip Deanovic <djosip+n...@linuxpages.net>
Sent: 04 March 2017 22:04
To: bacula-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: Re: [Bacula-users] Error: sql_create.c:387 Volume x already exists

On Saturday 2017-03-04 21:33:00 Matteo Cerutti wrote:
> Hi Josip,
> I am only using it in my JobDefs resource(s).
> However, as I mentioned, I have tried a number of configurations:
>   *   multiple device directives in the director storage configuration
> with the same media type (as documented in
> http://blog.bacula.org/whitepapers/CommunityDiskBackup.pdf) *   using
Best Practices for Disk Based Backup - 

> autochanger, as documented in the pdf above
> If this is not a supported configuration, which one should I go for my
> use case?

I am not sure if this a supported configuration or not. I am hoping
for someone to confirm or to deny it.
I haven't found any similar example in the documentation and bacula's
parser doesn't recognize it as a syntax error.

To keep it on a safe side you could reference the storage from
Pool resource definition. E.g. you could put "Storage = FileStorage1"
in your first pool, "Storage = FileStorage2" in your second pool and
so on.

Note that if you set the Storage in pool resource it will override
the Storage option in the Job resource.

This will probably fix that problem where you noticed that all the
volumes have the same MediaType.

Josip Deanovic

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