In the message resource, there is a message-type called:
"Restored - The ls style listing generated for each file restored is sent
to this message class."
I understood I can configure it to show all files restored in joblog of
some Job, but this option did not worked.
I've tried to remove the option "all" but did not worked too!
My message resource:
Messages {
Name = Standard
MailCommand = "/sbin/bsmtp -h localhost -f \"Bacula2 <em...@domain.com>\"
-s \"Bacula2: %t %e of %c %l\" %r"
Mail = anotherem...@domain.com = all, restored, skipped
OperatorCommand = "/sbin/bsmtp -h localhost -f \"Bacula2 <em...@domain.com>\"
-s \"Bacula2: Intervention needed for %j\" %r"
Operator = anotherem...@domain.com = mount
console = all, restored, skipped, saved
append = "/var/log/bacula/bacula.log" = all, restored, skipped
catalog = all, restored, skipped, saved
Best Regards
*Wanderlei Hüttel*
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