I have a problem.  I need to restore a single directory of files.  I
have the required tape volume mounted, I set up the job, no problem,
until I exit file selection.

Then suddenly, bacula (7.4.4) tells me:

1,179 files selected to be restored.

Pool "Scratch" not valid.
Job not run.

...Wait, what?  None of the needed volumes are in the scratch pool, the
bsr file does not contain any mention of it, none of my pools or job
definitions have changed in years, and my last restore worked fine.  But
suddenly I can't do a restore because suddenly my scratch pool that the
restore doesn't even *touch* is "invalid".

Here's the Scratch pool definition, which hasn't changed in at least
five years:

Pool {
  Name = Scratch
  Storage = babylon4-file
  Pool Type = Backup

Does anyone have the slightest idea what's going on here, or why Bacula
suddenly cares about the scratch pool which it isn't even using for this
job, but is perfectly happy to recycle expired disk volumes into?

  Phil Stracchino
  Babylon Communications
  Landline: 603.293.8485

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