
My backup location has a limited bandwith. I use dedup to low down the 
impact of the limited bandwith.
I plan to run base jobs 2 times a year. Now between 24th and 27th of 
December I run about 8 base which backup nearly 1TB of data.
The schdules looks like:
Schedule {
   Name = "Sched_Firma-Base"
   Run = Level=Base      on   24 dec  at 02:00

Schedule {
   Name = "Sched_Archiv-Base"
   Run = Level=Base      on   25 dec  at 08:00

Schedule {
   Name = "Sched_Photo-Base"
   Run = Level=Base      on   26 dec  at 01:00

Schedule {
   Name = "Sched_All-Base"
   Run = Level=Base      on   26 dec  at 10:00

I defined Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 2 in Jobs resource for base jobs to 
get these jobs completed serially.

JobDefs {
   Name = "JobDef_Base"
   Type = Backup
   Level = Base
   Messages = Standard
   Pool = Pool_Base
   Priority = 5
   Spool Data = Yes
   Spool Attributes = yes
   Rerun Failed Levels = no
   Write Bootstrap = "/opt/bacula/bin/working/%c-%n_%i-%t_%l.bsr"
   Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 2
   Max Start Delay = 172800      # 48h

In the meantime all other incremential/differential jobs are scheduled 
and queued.
These inc and diff jobs are scheduled as period of daily or weekly. Like:

Schedule {
   Name = "Sched_1st-sat-Full_sat-Diff_daily-Incr"
   Run = Level=Full         1st      saturday  at 21:00
   Run = Level=Differential 2nd-5th  saturday  at 21:00
   Run = Level=Incremental  mon-sat            at 21:00

Is there a possibility to disable the schedule of such jobs (or named 
jobs) as long as base jobs are running?
Maybe is there a possibility to define an exception (NOT RUN action)?
I want to avoid to define complex schedules where each single week is 
defined and only the week with the base jobs is skipped.

regards robi

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