Hi list

we have the issue with our bacula installation that jobs seems to be
terminated too late (not as configured).
We run bacula-dir in version 5.0.0 on a Centos 6.8 box. The job in
question is configured that it can only run for max 10 min by

Max Run Time = 600
Max Run Sched   Time = 600
Max Start Delay = 600

Now it happens that the job should start at 02:00, and therefore should
be canceled latest by 02:10 if not finished or still waiting to start.

But according to the information sent in admin mails for failed backups
the job was cancelled only at 02:36, although there is a log line from
02:10 stating that the job is canceled.

04-Nov 02:36 zabbix-dir JobId 571889: Fatal error: Job canceled because
max start delay time exceeded.
04-Nov 02:10 zabbix-dir JobId 571889: Fatal error: Max run time
exceeded. Job canceled.
04-Nov 02:36 zabbix-dir JobId 571889: Bacula zabbix-dir 5.0.0 (26Jan10):
04-Nov-2016 02:36:34
Scheduled time:         04-Nov-2016 02:00:00
Start time:             04-Nov-2016 02:36:34
End time:               04-Nov-2016 02:36:34

We received the mail containing the lines above at 02:36 so I guess the
job has finally been canceled at that time (as stated in the log above)
I do not understand why the job has not been terminated latest by 02:10
as configured.

Thanks for any input


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