On Monday 2016-10-31 10:21:37 Gi Dot wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'd like to know if I understand these 2 parameters correctly:
> Recycle Current Volume = yes
> Recycle current mounted volume in pool.
> Recycle Oldest Volume = yes
> Recycle oldest volume in pool.
> But, for both parameters, bacula still won't recyle either current or
> oldest volume if there is no other appendable volume available in the
> pool. Am I right?

Not exactly.

"Recycle Oldest Volume" will recycle the volume honoring the retention
It will not recycle the volume unless it has expired even if there
are no appendable volumes left.

There is another option called "Purge Oldest Volume" which doesn't honor
the retention period and it will recycle the volume regardless of the
retention period.

Also, depending on your backup strategy you might find the option "Maximum 
volumes" useful.

Josip Deanovic

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