On Tue, Aug 30, 2016 at 1:45 AM, Ralf Brinkmann <ralf.brinkm...@wemhoener.de
> wrote:

> Am 29.08.2016 um 15:52 schrieb Win Htin:
>> I am in the process of migrating my old LTO4 based library to a new
>> LTO6 based one. Currently I am running version 5.2.12 with the old
>> library and the new one is running version 7.0.5.
> Just migrated from a LTO4 to a LTO6 cassette changer (HP 1/8 G2
> Autoloader) with newer PC hardware, a newer Linux OS including MySql DB
> and the latest Bacula version with Bat built from the scratch.
> On a test I was surprisingly able to run old and new backup process on
> the server clients simultaneously only by adding a second "Director" for
> the new backup-system to the bacula-fd.conf.
> My idea would be to save the bacula-dir.conf and the latest dump of the
> old database for switching back to the elder state on the new system
> temporarily if there would ever be the need.
> --
> Ralf Brinkmann

Thanks Ralf. How many drives do you have in your new tape library? Can you
share your bacula-fd.conf file?

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