Hi Josip/All,
I would think it should not be the issue of insufficient memory. I got 16G 
memory as mentioned on my first message. And the recovery was done on a 
standalone PC. I doubt it was due to version is too old. 

    On Friday, August 26, 2016 5:31 PM, Josip Deanovic 
<djosip+n...@linuxpages.net> wrote:

 On Friday 2016-08-26 09:43:09 Uwe Schuerkamp wrote:
> Hi Keith,
> how large is your catalog database?
> If you have plenty of space you could have tried bextract to extract
> the entire volume content, but I don't know if that's feasable without
> a proper catalog that reflects the actual volume status.

It's worth to note that in that case he would lose the ACL info related
to the backed up files if there were any.

Bextract should be the last measure to take and Keith said:
"After entered "mark folder_to_be_restored", it took about 28 hours to 
show $ prompt and let me proceed to enter "done"".

That shouldn't be normal and if he is using a recent version of Bacula
and bscan I would say that there is a problem with the Catalog setup.

I would check if everything is in order with the underlying storage
devices/media and then look into the database configuration and try
to find out why it takes so (insanely) long.

Also, as Kern already said there could be an insufficient RAM case and
it's even possible that OS started to swap which would tremendously
affect the database performance. This is probably not the case here
as Keith provided the info about the basic OS and postgres resources.

I am using some systems with 4G of RAM with approximately the same
amount of data and the number of files comparable to those reported
by Keith and I am using MySQL as a catalog database.
In my case it takes between few seconds and few minutes to select the
jobs, mark some files and start the restore procedure.

However, in my case I didn't have to use bscan to create the data
in the database and I am using different database so it might not
be very useful to compare it with my setup.

I remember now that I had some cases where bacula director, storage
and catalog were all setup on the same virtual machine and the
underlying storage performance was poor but not disastrously slow.
In that case when I wanted to restore something it took like an hour
or more just to start the restore procedure even for a very small number
of files in the catalog.

Josip Deanovic

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