
Several weeks ago we have updated bacula from version 7.0.5 to 7.4.1.

Apparently everything was ok but...we have seen some errors like the 
following that appear randomly (sometimes on some jobs):

   Error: Catalog error updating file digest. bdb.h:105 Update failed: 
affected_rows=0 for UPDATE File SET MD5='qP5pf2IllJ38f2c7Q5eHyA' WHERE 

Although the MD5 values change, the FileId is always the same: 
6148914691236517205, 0x5555555555555555 in hexadecimal.
* Apparently this value is "special", according Kern's knowledge of 
bacula code:  I've found a thread from late 2015 
referring the same problem with bacula 7.2.0.

In that thread, Kern recommended set "Spool Attributes" to yes and 
according the user this change solved the problem but in our case we 
have "Spool Attributes" to yes from years so...we don't know what we can do.

According the thread and our experience, it appears to be a bug 
introduced in bacula 7.2.0 and later releases.

Any ideas? suggestions?


Jose Manuel Blanco.


Area de Sistemas
Servicio de las Tecnologias de la Informacion y Comunicaciones (STIC)
Universidad de Valladolid
Edificio Alfonso VIII, C/Real de Burgos s/n. 47011, Valladolid - ESPAÑA
Telefono: 983 18-6410, Fax: 983 423271
E-mail: siste...@uva.es


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