In the message dated: Fri, 05 Aug 2016 15:35:03 -0300,
The pithy ruminations from Heitor Faria on 
<Re: [Bacula-users] mixed media types in a single autochanger with preferred or
der> were:
=> > I've got an autochanger with both LTO6 and LTO5 drives.
=> > 
=> > I've got LTO6 and LTO4 media (the LTO4 media can be written in the LTO5
=> > drives, but not in the LTO6).
=> hello, Mark: so I suppose Devices have different Media Type, matching the 
tapes one.


=> > The LTO6 and LTO4 media have different media types in the catalog.
=> > 
=> > I would like to have all:
=> > 
=> >    Full backups written to the LTO6 media
=> > 
=> >    Incremental/Differential backups should be written to LTO4 media
=> Just put different tapes in different pools.

Sure, if I put the LTO6 tapes into the "Full" pool, that works.

If I put the LTO4 tapes into the "Incremental" pool, that works.

The problem is the other way around...that:
        a Job requires a Pool
            a Pool requires a Storage device
                a Storage device requires a single MediaType

since LTO4 and LTO6 are not write-compatible, I cannot put them into the same 
MediaType (such as "LTO4_to_6").

=> >    _unless_ no LTO4 media is available, in which case LTO6 media
=> >    can be used.
=> Use the Scratch pool to store your LTO6 tapes. If all tapes from LTO4 pool 
get full, Bacula will fetch LTO6 tapes from Scratch.

Unless I misunderstand something.

The bacula-dir.conf requires "MediaType" in the Storage Device definition,
and a Storage Device can only have a single Media Type. So there must
be separate Storage Devices defined (even if they refer to the same
autochanger), each with a subset of the tape drives, divided into separate
media types:

--------------- bacula-dir.conf ------------------
# Definition of file storage device
Storage {
  Name =  neoxl80-LTO6-x
  Address = bacula.server
  SDPort = 9103
  Password = "123"
  Device = neoxl80
  Media Type = LTO6
  Autochanger = yes
  Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 150
Storage {
  Name =  neoxl80-LTO5-x
  Address = bacula.server
  SDPort = 9103
  Password = "123"
  Device = neoxl80
  Media Type = LTO4
  Autochanger = yes
  Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 10

------------ bacula-sd.conf ------------------------
Autochanger {
  Name = "neoxl80"
  Device = neoxl80-LTO5-1
  Device = neoxl80-LTO5-2
  Device = neoxl80-LTO6-1
  Device = neoxl80-LTO6-2
  Changer Command = "/opt/bacula/scripts/mtx-changer %c %o %S %a %d"
  Changer Device = /dev/changer-neoxl80

Device {
  Name = neoxl80-LTO5-1
  Drive Index = 0
  Media Type = LTO4   
  Device Type = Tape
  Archive Device = /dev/tape-LTO5-1
  AutomaticMount = yes               # when device opened, read it
  AlwaysOpen = yes
  RemovableMedia = yes
  RandomAccess = no
  AutoChanger = yes
  Autoselect = yes
Device {
  Name = neoxl80-LTO6-1
  Drive Index = 3
  Media Type = LTO6
  Device Type = Tape
  Archive Device = /dev/tape-LTO6-1
  AutomaticMount = yes               # when device opened, read it
  AlwaysOpen = yes
  RemovableMedia = yes
  RandomAccess = no
  AutoChanger = yes
  Autoselect = yes

That works just fine...the problem is that the Pool definition also
requires a StorageDevice. So, a single pool (ie., "Incremental") can
only use one of the Storage devices (neoxl80-LTO5-x  or  neoxl80-LTO6-x).

So, if I have:

Pool {
  Name = Incremental
  Pool Type = Backup
  File Retention = 14 weeks
  Job Retention = 14 weeks
  Volume Retention = 14 weeks
  Recycle Pool = Scratch
  Storage = neoxl80-LTO5-1

# Full backup pool definition
Pool {
  Name = Full
  File Retention = 18 months 
  Job Retention = 18 months
  Volume Retention = 18 months
  Recycle Pool = Scratch
  Storage = neoxl80-LTO6-x

Then "Incremental" jobs can never use LTO6 media, even if no LTO4 media is 

=> > Can anyone suggest an example configuration of pools, storage devices,
=> > and autochanger to provide this behavior?
=> > Thanks,
=> Regards,
=> > 
=> > Mark
=> > 
=> > --
=> > Mark Bergman                                           voice: 215-746-4061
=> >  
=> >                              fax: 215-614-0266
=> >
=> > IT Technical Director, Center for Biomedical Image Computing and Analytics
=> > Department of Radiology                         University of Pennsylvania
=> >          PGP Key:
=> > 
=> > 
=> > _______________________________________________
=> > Bacula-users mailing list
=> >
=> >
=> -- 
=> =========================================================================== 
=> Heitor Medrado de Faria - LPIC-III | ITIL-F | Bacula Systems Certified 
Administrator II 
=> Do you need Bacula training? 
=> +55 61 8268-4220 
=> Site: FB: heitor.faria 
=> ===========================================================================

Mark Bergman                                           voice: 215-746-4061                              fax: 215-614-0266
IT Technical Director, Center for Biomedical Image Computing and Analytics
Department of Radiology                         University of Pennsylvania
          PGP Key: 

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