John> Debian is a great release, but boy are they stuck in the past
John> for some projects.  It's time to upgrade my bacula on mysql to
John> the latest release.  Any suggestions on the easiest way to do
John> this?

John> Ideally, I'd prefer to just install packages from a repository
John> and have it do all the upgrade work for me.  I've got a very
John> simple setup where it's just two clients, one Linux, one Windows
John> 10, and a set of disks volumes I write my bacula volumes to.

John> I see that Debian Testing is starting to have the latest
John> packages, but unfortunately the jessie-backports isn't
John> supporting anything newer.  Bummers.

John> I guess I could just install sid/testing packages.

It seems that a new package, with support for upgrading from the 5.2.6
Debian Jessie release, will be out for testing in a couple of weeks,
so it might be that my issue will be solved then.  I love Debian for
being stable, but sometimes they need to push forward a little more
quickly, esp when upstream is evolving rapidly, but is also quite
isolated from other packages.

So I'll probably sit tight for a while and try an upgrade later this
month or in September to see how it goes.


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