My Bacula director is up and running but I can't connect to it with the console.

Connecting to Director
Director authorization problem.
Most likely the passwords do not agree.
If you are using TLS, there may have been a certificate validation error during 
the TLS handshake.
Please see
 for help.

I know that this usualy means that the Passwords do not match, but I have 
checked them endless times and also used the default config files with 
prefilled passwords and still the same problem.
I have disabled the firewall, and the port appears to be open:
The Service seams to be up and running properly:

bacula-director.service - LSB: Start Bacula Director at boot time
   Loaded: loaded (/etc/init.d/bacula-director; bad; vendor preset: enabled)
   Active: active (running) since Di 2016-07-26 15:57:20 CEST; 6min ago
     Docs: man:systemd-sysv-generator(8)
  Process: 10071 ExecStop=/etc/init.d/bacula-director stop (code=exited, 
  Process: 6339 ExecReload=/etc/init.d/bacula-director reload (code=exited, 
  Process: 10482 ExecStart=/etc/init.d/bacula-director start (code=exited, 
    Tasks: 3
   Memory: 1.1M
      CPU: 43ms
   CGroup: /system.slice/bacula-director.service
           └─10494 /usr/sbin/bacula-dir -c 
/etc/bacula/bacula-dir.conf -u bacula -g bacula

I am using Ubuntu 16.0.4 with Bacula 7.0.5
I installed Bacula using apt-get bacula
I tried configuring the config files properly but it didn't help.
Standard configuration yields the same result
I am not using TLS

Starting bacula in debugmode:

 sudo -H -u root bash -c ' bacula-dir -d 200 -c bacula-dir.conf'
bacula-dir: dird.c:194-0 Debug level = 200
bacula-dir: address_conf.c:264-0 Initaddr
bacula-dir: runscript.c:284-0 runscript: debug
bacula-dir: runscript.c:285-0  --> RunScript
bacula-dir: runscript.c:286-0   --> 
Command=/etc/bacula/scripts/ MyCatalog
bacula-dir: runscript.c:287-0   --> Target=
bacula-dir: runscript.c:288-0   --> RunOnSuccess=1
bacula-dir: runscript.c:289-0   --> RunOnFailure=0
bacula-dir: runscript.c:290-0   --> FailJobOnError=1
bacula-dir: runscript.c:291-0   --> RunWhen=2
bacula-dir: runscript.c:284-0 runscript: debug
bacula-dir: runscript.c:285-0  --> RunScript
bacula-dir: runscript.c:286-0   --> 
bacula-dir: runscript.c:287-0   --> Target=
bacula-dir: runscript.c:288-0   --> RunOnSuccess=1
bacula-dir: runscript.c:289-0   --> RunOnFailure=0
bacula-dir: runscript.c:290-0   --> FailJobOnError=1
bacula-dir: runscript.c:291-0   --> RunWhen=1
bacula-dir: jcr.c:128-0 read_last_jobs seek to 192
bacula-dir: jcr.c:135-0 Read num_items=0
bacula-dir: dir_plugins.c:148-0 Load dir plugins
bacula-dir: dir_plugins.c:150-0 No dir plugin dir!
jarvis@Jarvis:~$ bacula-dir: sql_create.c:345-0 In create mediatype
bacula-dir: sql_create.c:349-0 selectmediatype: SELECT MediaTypeId,MediaType 
FROM MediaType WHERE MediaType='File1'
bacula-dir: sql_create.c:345-0 In create mediatype
bacula-dir: sql_create.c:349-0 selectmediatype: SELECT MediaTypeId,MediaType 
FROM MediaType WHERE MediaType='File2'
Jarvis-dir: dird.c:323-0 Start UA server
Jarvis-dir: bnet_server.c:87-0 Addresses
Jarvis-dir: job.c:1528-0 wstorage=File1
Jarvis-dir: job.c:1537-0 wstore=File1 where=Job resource
Jarvis-dir: job.c:1211-0 JobId=0 created Job=*JobMonitor*.2016-07-26_16.07.54_01
Jarvis-dir: dird.c:334-0 wait for next job

When I try to connect with the bconsole the Debug says:

Jarvis-dir: bnet.c:566-0 who=client host= port=9101

both director and console are run on the same sytem

I would really appreciate any help.

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