I see that I did not use "Purge Migration Job = yes", That should
explain, while the old volumes still exist fully.
Sorry for the very rough question.
I will try to make the scenario a bit more understandable:
On the hard drive we have on site, a new volume is created every month,
starting with a full backup, so that we always need just one volume for
any restore process.
I would like to keep this seperation when migrating the volumes to an
external drive. I do not know how to do it without creating several jobs
though. Each Volume has a different size, so "Maximum Volume Bytes" is
not an option.
Here is an example job and pool:
Job {
Name = "Migrate-WS-003"
Type = Migrate
Client = ubuntu_fd
FileSet = None
Level = Full
Messages = Standard
Storage = Storage_WS-003
Pool = Pool_WS-003
Write bootstrap = "/mnt/removableDrive/WS-003/bootstrap_%c.bsr"
Selection Type = Client
Selection Pattern = "WS-003_fd"
Reschedule On Error = no
Pool {
Name = External_WS-003
Pool Type = Backup
Recycle = no
AutoPrune = no
Volume Retention = 5 year
Storage = RemovableStorage_WS-003
Pool {
Name = Pool_WS-003
Pool Type = Backup
Recycle = no
AutoPrune = no
Volume Retention = 1 year
Label Format = "WS003-Volume"
Next Pool = External_WS-003
Florian S.
Am 19.05.2016 um 15:28 schrieb Wanderlei Huttel:
What exactly you want? Your question is not so clear.
If you have 5 old volumes in one pool and you want to move this old
volumes to another pool you can use a migration job.
Name = "Migration_Job"
Type = Migrate
JobDefs = "Backup_Defaults"
Client = srv_bacula-fd
FileSet = "FileSet_SRV_Bacula"
Pool = "Pool-Old"
NextPool = "Pool-New"
Selection Type = SqlQuery
Selection Pattern = "select distinct JobId from JobMedia where
MediaId in (select MediaId from Media where VolumeName like
Purge Migration Job = yes
Enabled = no
Name = "Pool-Old"
Pool Type = Backup
Autoprune = yes
LabelFormat = "Volume-Name-${NumVols}"
Maximum Volume Bytes = 10Gb
Maximum Volumes = 100
NextPool = "Pool-New"
Storage = StorageLocal
Best Regards
*Wanderlei Hüttel*
2016-05-19 10:14 GMT-03:00 Florian Splett <florian.spl...@web.de
Hello, again.
As a quick additional question:
I used to create one volume per month, starting with a full backup. Is
there any way how I can migrate the data to create the exact same
E.g. 5 old volumes = 5 new volumes
Florian S.
Am 19.05.2016 um 14:20 schrieb Florian Splett:
> Hello.
> After a lot of preparing the migration of the first set of data with
> migration jobs went smoothly.
> The size matches and when doing a restore the new volume is
> I noticed that the old volumes still exist though.
> Can I remove them now?
> If so: Is the delete option okay (via bat) or should I purge
them first?
> I just want to be sure I don't cause any problems.
> Regards,
> Florian S.
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