> Unfortunately, there's some sensitive info in the script.  I'll see if I
> can post an excerpt later.
> But here's what I've observed:
> - When the file doesn't exist, I get the error as described.  I've even
> attached to the bacula-fd using strace, and verified that it does try to
> open() that file, but I don't see it trying to execute the script
> - When I touch the file, to create a zero-length placholder, and then
> run the job, it successfully runs the script, which populates the file
> with the list, but the job backs up 0 bytes and 0 files
> - Subsequent runs of the same job, correctly get the file list.
> All of that led me to the conclusion that the file open() is occurring
> before the script.  Also that the script is updating the file correctly.
> Are you sure that your catalog backup is using the "Client Run Before
> Job", and not just a "Run Before Job"?  It is at least possible that the
> Client vs Server versions of the Run Before Job act slightly
> differently.  I haven't examined the source code, though, so this is
> just speculation on my part.
> Lloyd

Hello, Lloyd. I don't think so. Unfortunattely I'm unable to reproduce the 
problem using 7.4.0 Bacula (16 January 2016) x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu ubuntu 

# bacula-dir.conf:
Job {
  Name = "BackupClient1"
  JobDefs = "DefaultJob"
  ClientRunBeforeJob = "touch /tmp/dummy"
  ClientRunAfterJob = "rm /tmp/dummy"

FileSet {
  Name = "Full Set"
  Include {
    Options {
      signature = MD5
    File = /tmp/dummy

# Output of bconsole job run:

13-Abr 16:18 hfaria-desk-i5-dir JobId 5: Iniciar Jobld Backup 5, 
13-Abr 16:18 hfaria-desk-i5-dir JobId 5: Using Device "FileChgr1-Dev1" to write.
13-Abr 16:18 hfaria-desk-i5-fd JobId 5: shell command: run ClientRunBeforeJob 
"touch /tmp/dummy"
13-Abr 16:18 hfaria-desk-i5-sd JobId 5: Volume "Vol-0001" gravado previamente, 
movendo para o fim dos dados.
13-Abr 16:18 hfaria-desk-i5-sd JobId 5: Pronto para anexar no fim do Volume 
"Vol-0001" tamanho=46,326,801
13-Abr 16:18 hfaria-desk-i5-fd JobId 5: shell command: run ClientAfterJob "rm 
13-Abr 16:18 hfaria-desk-i5-sd JobId 5: Elapsed time=00:00:01, Transfer rate=90 
13-Abr 16:18 hfaria-desk-i5-sd JobId 5: Enviando atributos reservados para o 
Diretor. Despooling 264 bytes ...
13-Abr 16:18 hfaria-desk-i5-dir JobId 5: Bacula hfaria-desk-i5-dir 7.4.0 
  Build OS:               x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu ubuntu 15.10
  JobId:                  5
  Job:                    BackupClient1.2016-04-13_16.18.53_09
  Backup Level:           Full (atualizado de Incremental)
  Client:                 "hfaria-desk-i5-fd" 7.4.0 (16Jan16) 
  FileSet:                "Full Set" 2016-04-13 16:17:59
  Pool:                   "File" (From Recurso do Trabalho)
  Catalog:                "MyCatalog" (From Client resource)
  Storage:                "File1" (From Recurso do Trabalho)
  Scheduled time:         13-Abr-2016 16:18:53
  Start time:             13-Abr-2016 16:18:56
  End time:               13-Abr-2016 16:18:56
  Elapsed time:           0 secs
  Priority:               10
  FD Files Written:       1
  SD Files Written:       1
  FD Bytes Written:       0 (0 B)
  SD Bytes Written:       90 (90 B)
  Rate:                   0.0 KB/s
  Software Compression:   None
  Snapshot/VSS:           não
  Encryption:             não
  Accurate:               não
  Volume name(s):         Vol-0001
  Volume Session Id:      3
  Volume Session Time:    1460466241
  Last Volume Bytes:      46,327,331 (46.32 MB)
  Non-fatal FD errors:    0
  SD Errors:              0
  FD termination status:  OK
  SD termination status:  OK
  Termination:            Backup OK

13-Abr 16:18 hfaria-desk-i5-dir JobId 5: Begin pruning Jobs older than 6 months 
13-Abr 16:18 hfaria-desk-i5-dir JobId 5: Não foram encontrados Jobs para 
13-Abr 16:18 hfaria-desk-i5-dir JobId 5: Inicia a compressão dos arquivos.
13-Abr 16:18 hfaria-desk-i5-dir JobId 5: Nenhum arquivo encontrado para 
13-Abr 16:18 hfaria-desk-i5-dir JobId 5: Fim da auto compressão.

*list files jobid=5
Usando Catálogo "MyCatalog"
| Filename |
| /tmp/dummy |
| JobId | Name          | StartTime           | Type | Level | JobFiles | 
JobBytes | JobStatus |
|     5 | BackupClient1 | 2016-04-13 16:18:56 | B    | F     |        1 |       
 0 | T         |

Heitor Medrado de Faria - LPIC-III | ITIL-F | Bacula Systems Certified 
Administrator II 
Do you need Bacula training? http://bacula.us/video-classes/ 
+55 61 8268-4220 
Site: http://bacula.us FB: heitor.faria 

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