It would be better if you had kept the same storage configuration for your
new TL. It seems you have all the "old" tapes assigned to the storage named
TL2000 and you had configured a new storage named "TL4000". The MediaIds
from 2065 to 2112 are assigned to the TL2000 storage.
To have these medias assigned to the new TL4000, I think you should do this
manually in the catalog database:
1) Look for the StorageId in the Storage table that refers to your new
storage TL4000.
2) Set the StorageId value in the table Media with the StorageId number you
found in step 1) for all the MediaIds from 2065 to 2112
This is possible since you haven't changed the Media Type.
If you're using MySQL, you can do the bellow:
1) select * from Storage; (this will show you the StorageId for Name=TL4000)
2) update Media set StorageId=X where StorageId=Y (where X is the value of
StorageId for TL4000 and Y is the value of StorageId for TL2000).
Best regards,
On Tue, Mar 1, 2016 at 3:20 PM, Bryn Hughes <li...@nashira.ca> wrote:
> Appears you never did an 'Update Slots' on the old library after emptying
> the tapes from it...
> You can manually change the 'InChanger' flag from a '1' to a '0' for the
> affected tapes, it at least doesn't look like there are too many of them.
> You can also delete those volumes all together if you no longer need to get
> any data from them.
> Bryn
> On 2016-03-01 05:52 AM, Mingus Dew wrote:
> Dear All,
> I recently replaced a malfunctioning LTO5 TL2000 tape library with a
> new LTO6 TL4000 tape library. I've been having a lot of failing tape jobs
> since then, and I think I've finally rooted out the problem, but am not
> sure where to begin fixing it.
> Essentially, when I do a query to show what Volumes Bacula thinks are in
> the changer, it is still showing me Volumes and Slots from the previous
> library mixed with Volumes and Slots from the new, higher capacity library.
> I'm using Bacula Community Edition 7.0.5 on CentOS 6.7 x86_64. Here is the
> output from bconsole query. The old library entries all have Storage
> "TL2000" and Media Type "LTO5". Any guidance is very appreciated.
> Yours,
> Shon
> +---------+------------+-------------+---------+------+---------------------+-----------+-----------+
> | MediaId | VolumeName | GB | Storage | Slot | Pool
> | MediaType | VolStatus |
> +---------+------------+-------------+---------+------+---------------------+-----------+-----------+
> | 2,065 | 000015 | 300.6804 | TL2000 | 1 |
> Mentora_LTO5_Tapes | LTO-5 | Full |
> | 2,109 | 000005 | 1100.4370 | TL2000 | 2 |
> Synnefo_LTO5_Tapes | LTO-5 | Append |
> | 2,113 | 000008 | 0.0001 | TL2000 | 3 |
> KillerIT_LTO5_Tapes | LTO-5 | Append |
> | 2,098 | 000051 | 411.7481 | TL2000 | 4 |
> Mentora_LTO5_Tapes | LTO-5 | Append |
> | 2,115 | 000004 | 0.0001 | TL2000 | 6 |
> KillerIT_LTO5_Tapes | LTO-5 | Append |
> | 2,111 | 000007 | 258.3787 | TL2000 | 7 |
> KillerIT_LTO5_Tapes | LTO-5 | Append |
> | 2,108 | 000012 | 1452.4568 | TL2000 | 8 | Calgon_LTO5_Tapes
> | LTO-5 | Full |
> | 2,110 | 000002 | 1664.2599 | TL2000 | 9 | Calgon_LTO5_Tapes
> | LTO-5 | Full |
> | 2,116 | 000003 | 0.0001 | TL2000 | 10 |
> KillerIT_LTO5_Tapes | LTO-5 | Append |
> | 2,117 | 000006 | 0.0001 | TL2000 | 11 |
> KillerIT_LTO5_Tapes | LTO-5 | Append |
> | 2,112 | 000009 | 3882.6981 | TL2000 | 12 |
> Mentora_LTO5_Tapes | LTO-5 | Full |
> | 2,704 | 000021L6 | 0.0000 | TL4000 | 3 |
> Mentora_LTO6_Tapes | LTO-6 | Recycle |
> | 2,738 | 000037L6 | 0.0001 | TL4000 | 37 | Calgon_LTO6_Tapes
> | LTO-6 | Append |
> | 2,739 | 000040L6 | 0.0001 | TL4000 | 38 |
> Synnefo_LTO6_Tapes | LTO-6 | Append |
> | 2,740 | 000043L6 | 0.0001 | TL4000 | 39 |
> KillerIT_LTO6_Tapes | LTO-6 | Append |
> | 2,741 | 000046L6 | 0.0001 | TL4000 | 40 | Voith_LTO6_Tapes
> | LTO-6 | Append |
> | 2,742 | 000038L6 | 0.0001 | TL4000 | 41 | Scratch_LTO6
> | LTO-6 | Append |
> | 2,743 | 000041L6 | 0.0001 | TL4000 | 42 | Scratch_LTO6
> | LTO-6 | Append |
> | 2,744 | 000044L6 | 0.0001 | TL4000 | 43 | Scratch_LTO6
> | LTO-6 | Append |
> | 2,745 | 000047L6 | 0.0001 | TL4000 | 44 | Scratch_LTO6
> | LTO-6 | Append |
> | 2,746 | 000039L6 | 0.0001 | TL4000 | 45 | Scratch_LTO6
> | LTO-6 | Append |
> | 2,747 | 000042L6 | 0.0001 | TL4000 | 46 | Scratch_LTO6
> | LTO-6 | Append |
> | 2,748 | 000045L6 | 0.0001 | TL4000 | 47 | Scratch_LTO6
> | LTO-6 | Append |
> +---------+------------+-------------+---------+------+---------------------+-----------+-----------+
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