>>>>> On Tue, 1 Mar 2016 14:07:55 +0100, Cejka Rudolf said:
> Simon Templar wrote (2016/02/29):
> > I've set up bacula 7.2 on my FreeBSD server using Postgres as the 
> > backend database.
> Which FreeBSD version? According to the mt status it seems to be
> sufficiently fresh.
> > Device {
> > ...
> >    Hardware End of Medium = no           # Noted as FreeBSD specific
> >    BSF at EOM = no                       # Noted as FreeBSD specific
> >    Backward Space Record = no            # Noted as FreeBSD specific
> >    Fast Forward Space File = yes         # Noted as FreeBSD specific
> >    TWO EOF = no                          # Noted as FreeBSD specific
> Where did you get this?
> Try this:
>   BSF at EOM = yes
>   TWO EOF = yes
>   Hardware End of Medium = no   # maybe not needed now, but there is no
>                                 # performance impact, so let's start with it
>   Backward Space Record = yes   # not needed, changed to yes is the default
>   Fast Forward Space File = yes # not needed, yes is the default

There is no "correct" value for all hardware.  I needed TWO EOF = yes etc for
DDS drive on FreeBSD 4, but for an HP LTO-1 drive on FreeBSD 8 I needed this:

  Hardware End of Medium = no
  BSF at EOM = no
  Backward Space Record = yes
  Backward Space File = yes
  Fast Forward Space File = yes
  TWO EOF = no


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