
Well, this *is* a bug. I would appreciate it if you would submit a bug 
report.  The interesting thing the bug has been there since 2006.  If 
you are a programmer look somewhere around line 295 in 

If you are not a programmer, please set the maximum volumes in your pool 
to 0 or a very big number, do your update slots, and then reset your 
maximum volumes.  I haven't tried it, but it should work.  These days 
most 10 slot autochangers have barcodes, and if you have them, it would 
be simpler to simply put the volumes in the right slots then do:

   update slots barcodes

otherwise provided the Volumes are labeled you can do an

   update slots

but it will have to mount and physically read every tape.

Best regards,

On 02/15/2016 09:33 AM, Brady, Mike wrote:
> I am setting a up a new Bacula 7.4 system and have run into an issue
> that I do not understand.
> I have a 10 slot autochanger that I have been using since the 5.0.x days
> through to 7.0.x.  I cannot remember when I last did a clean install
> though.  Everything has been upgraded over time, so I am not sure when
> this became an issue.  It could have been an issue all along and I have
> just forgotten.
> In the 10 slot auto changer I have 4 daily volumes (from the
> P-Tape-Daily pool), 4 weekly volumes (from the P-Tape-Weekly pool) and 2
> monthly volumes (from the P-Tape-Monthly pool).
> On the existing 7.0.5 system the volumes are configured in the catalogue
> as being in the autochanger slots as follows:
> P-Daily-Tape-001 1
> P-Daily-Tape-002 2
> P-Daily-Tape-002 3
> P-Daily-Tape-002 4
> P-Weekly-Tape-001 5
> P-Weekly-Tape-002 6
> P-Weekly-Tape-003 7
> P-Weekly-Tape-004 8
> P-Monthly-Tape-001 9
> P-Monthly-Tape-001 10
> Each Pool has Maximum Volumes set as follows:
> P-Tape-Daily 4
> P-Tape-Weekly 4
> P-Tape-Monthly 2
> The same configuration is intended for the new 7.4 system.
> To that end, on the new system I have labelled all the tapes and am now
> trying to set the autochanger slot for each volume with the update
> command in bconsole.  The Daily-Pool volumes all updated successfully,
> but when I go to do the P-Tape-Weekly volumes I get
> *update volume=P-Tape-Weekly-001 slot=5
> Invalid slot, it must be between 0 and Maximum Volumes=4
> I do not understand what the Pool Maximum Volume setting has to do with
> the autochanger slot number. I have confirmed that it is the
> P-Tape-Weekly Pool Maximum Volumes causing the issue by increasing it to
> 8.  I can now change the slots for the P-Tape-Weekly volumes to 5-8 as
> required.  Once the slots have been changed I can change the Maximum
> Volumes back to 4 and everything works as it should.  At least I think
> it does.  Still doing some testing.
> Same thing for P-Tape-Monthly except Maximum Volumes needs to be 10.
> Is this a bug or have I been something wrong all this time?
> Regards
> Mike
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