Hello Randy,

Could you please give us more information, such as your backup window per
client? It will depende a lot of your backup window and the free bandwidth
you need for other applications.

Best regards,

On Wed, Feb 3, 2016 at 10:00 AM, Randy Katz <rk...@simplicityhosting.com>

> Hi,
> I am having the issue that servers that have multiple KVM VM's that are
> being backed up
> are throttling the servers resources and bringing it to a crawl. I tried
> staggering the Schedule
> times which resulted in the server being throttled for a shorter amount
> of time. I don't like
> my servers to be throttled, mainly because they need to serve!
> Is anyone using Maximum Bandwidth Per Job in this capacity and what
> bandwidth setting
> have you found to be optimal, and if you know why that would be most
> appreciated, thanks!
> ~r
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