Ran my script yesterday to upgrade all the FD's, took 4 times as long as
I thought it would!
All backups running without a hitch, much thanks for a successful
upgrade! I don't take
this for granted.

FYI - I am backing up one Windows VM instance, according to Bacula it
seems we must pay
for a license to do this? a) Is the software with the $25 license any
different than the personal
download (not that I really care, will buy the license regardless)? b)
Is this licensing in order to
compensate the packager for doing the compile or is it some Windows
related issue, just curious?


On 1/21/2016 7:49 AM, Randy Katz wrote:
> Thanks Kern for the quick response, I'll get around to running
> my update script soon, again thanks!
> On 1/19/2016 11:39 PM, Kern Sibbald wrote:
>> There is generally no reason to upgrade the FDs, but at some point
>> certain FD dependent features may not be available so it is advisable
>> to upgrade them when you can.
>> Best regards,
>> Kern
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