> On Jan 22, 2016, at 11:09 AM, moodman <bacula-fo...@backupcentral.com
> <mailto:bacula-fo...@backupcentral.com>> wrote:
> Hello, we have a big issue since a week ago. No backup is able to be done
> because of the following error that appears
> support-dir JobId 12735: Fatal error: authenticate.c:120 Director unable to
> authenticate with Storage daemon at "support.lst.tfo.upm.es
> <http://support.lst.tfo.upm.es/>:9103". Possible causes: Passwords or names
> not the same or Maximum Concurrent Jobs exceeded on the SD or SD networking
> messed up (restart daemon). Please see
> http://www.bacula.org/en/rel-manual/Bacula_Freque_Asked_Questi.html#SECTION003760000000000000000
> <http://www.bacula.org/en/rel-manual/Bacula_Freque_Asked_Questi.html#SECTION003760000000000000000>
> for help.
> We have tried everything but no result. No changes were made since then. What
> might be the cause of that sudden error ?
> Please help with that issue.
> I can provide the necessary info.
Verify bacula-sd and bacula-dir are the same version. The *same* version is
Verify bacula-sd is running at support.lst.tfo.upm.es
From the bacula-dir server, can you 'telnet support.lst.tfo.upm.es
<http://support.lst.tfo.upm.es/> 9103'?
It should look something like this:
$ telnet crey 9103
Connected to crey.int.unixathome.org <http://crey.int.unixathome.org/>.
Escape character is '^]'.
Connection closed by foreign host.
If all of the above work, have a look through my blog post with respect to
names and passwords. It appears you have something wrong between
bacula-dir.conf and bacula-sd.conf on the bacula-sd box.
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