I know how bpipe works and my method using script is to work around an
issue with bpipe erroring out with "Error closing stream for pseudo
file" (no idea why, but running the same mysqldump command from inside
script solves this). Contents of the script is really straight-forward
and doesn't change behavior of the dump being sent to STDOUT:
|||/usr/bin/mysqldump||--single-transaction --routines --events --opt
--max_allowed_packet 128M --default-character-||set||=utf8
-u||"$user"||-p||"$pswd"||--databases $*|
BTW, I discovered that the error "bpipe-fd: Error closing for file
/srv/mysqldump.sql" was caused of the wrong credentials I had in the
script. The first error still remains.
On 22.01.2016 12:55, Heitor Faria wrote:
Hello Silver,
Hello Silver [2],
Please read:
bpipe reads a command data that is directed to stdout and stores in
backup with the name you put in the 2nd variable (fifo path) => I hope
is what you are trying to achieve with your scripts. While in restore
Bacula uses the last bpipe configuration variable (command) to read
from stdin and restore your data with the application of your choice.
I never saw a bpipe usage documentation with scripts, but with
commands directly. E.g.: Plugin =
“bpipe:/mnt/fifo/heitorfaria.sql:mysqldump -u root -ppasswd –databases
heitorfaria:mysql -u root -ppasswd″
The beauty of bpipe is you don't need local disk space to generate the
dumps since fifos actually don't hold data (it just streams it to an
end) and you may also automate application restore directly to it.
I recorded some videoclasses that you can find in the same URL post I
JobId 54542: Error: /srv/mysqldump.sql mtime changed during backup.
JobId 54542: Error: bpipe-fd: Error closing for file
/srv/mysqldump.sql: 268435583
Termination: Backup OK -- with warnings
On 22.01.2016 10:56, Ana Emília M. Arruda wrote:
Hello Silver,
The same error? Have you checked permissions?
Best regards,
On Fri, Jan 22, 2016 at 9:19 AM, Silver Salonen
<mailto:silver.salo...@gmail.com>> wrote:
After creating those folders, those errors still
appeared. Any other ideas?
On 21.01.2016 13:43, Silver Salonen wrote:
Aha, I indeed didn't have /mysql directory. Thanks
a bunch! :)
PS. Script permissions are correct as otherwise
the dump wouldn't have been created.
On 21.01.2016 12:21, Heitor Faria wrote:
Hello Silver,
Does the /mysql directory exist? It must.
Make sure also bacula-fd daemon OS user has
proper permissions to run the scripts
Heitor Medrado de Faria - LPIC-III | ITIL-F |
Bacula Systems Certified Administrator II
Do you need Bacula training?
+55 61 8268-4220 <tel:%2B55%2061%208268-4220>
Site: http://bacula.us FB: heitor.faria
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Em 21 de jan de 2016, pelo 06:37, Silver
Salonen <silver.salo...@gmail.com
<mailto:silver.salo...@gmail.com>> escrito:
I'm backing up MySQL databases from several servers
with Fileset line:
Plugin =
"bpipe:/mysql/mysqldump.sql:/etc/bacula/scripts/mysqldump.sh <http://mysqldump.sh>
mydb:/etc/bacula/scripts/mysqldump.sh <http://mysqldump.sh> -R"
FD on some of those servers give the following
Warning: Cannot stat file
/mysql/mysqldump.sql: ERR=No such file or
I've confirmed that actually the MySQL database is
still backed up and
can be restored too. So why the error? Anybody
knows or can guess?
Heitor Medrado de Faria - LPIC-III | ITIL-F | Bacula Systems
Certified Administrator II
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